Sunday, November 28, 2010
It's always like that isn't it? Like, when you expect something to happen, it doesn't. Then you get so upset and disappointed and whatever. However, the wierdest things can happen when you least expect them at all, you get caught off guard and could be very happy or very sad after that as well. Most of the times happy I suppose, if it was what you ever wanted that came true.
So yeah, never hold your hopes too high cause when they don't come true, you'll fall really hard.
It was me and you against the world @ 10:31 PM
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Baby Turns 8 18 (:
THE Birthday girl (:

The vain baby that every dotes on is finally 18. (: How timely, her birthday falls on the day where most of J2s got their new found freedom. Ha, so happy for everyone and the baby looked so pretty yesterday!

I like Selina's curls ! Hair why you no grow faster?!

Truth or Dare! Russell hit the jackpot! We totally altered the dare he had to do, totally different from the one he had chose. We came out with 10 super random words and his task was to call someone and use that ten super random words in one shot. Called David and while the nonsensical call lasted, we laughed our asses off because the conversation was just so funny.

Yay for S12! (:
It was me and you against the world @ 8:15 PM
Because you're more than just that
Funny how people are willing to settle for things they don't deserve. Ironical much. They do deserve more than just what is being given to them. Simply gullible or naive?
I know I deserve more.
Much more!
It was me and you against the world @ 1:22 AM
Monday, November 22, 2010
So eggcited.& so, tomorrow half of S12's done and over with A levels! Woohoo! Can't wait for all the activities lined up. Well, supposedly at least. There's Universal Studios, Overseas trip, Cruise, Shopping date with my wife...Haha, I'm not quite sure actually. Hopefully, we'll be able to carry one out at least!
It's kinda scary. I have so many things I wanna do over the holidays but then again, due to time constraints and obligations, I really need to juggle my time well. Well enough, so that I don't stumble and freak myself out again. Blahhhh. This kinda suck.
Today was talking to homies in school. Hahaha, so eggggggcited for them too! They're almost done too and damn, I wanna go on a holiday with my twinnnnnieeeee and the others. She wants to go to HongKong as well. In hongkong, it's really mai dong xi chi dong xi, mai dong xi chi dong xi! Shopping, really good for the girls (: But guess that'll have to wait. :( & yay! Twinnie says, we can actually start planning for our holiday activities starting tomorrow.
With the A levels drawing to an end, well....I shouldn't hold my hopes too high... Confusing, really confusing. Sometimes I really wish it was somehow true. Would be so, so happy. But guess, nah, won't be anticipating for the fall.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:51 PM
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Some Kind Of JokeRecently, I felt as if I was being put through some kind of a 'joke'. A joke that has no logic at all. Not even a single bit. Well, not surprising actually, judging from the party that was pulling this so-called, 'joke', like how I would like to say it, on me. Trust me, the 'joke' wasn't fun at all. Am still quite pissed with the people involved and would really love to give them a piece of my mind though I kinda already gave one of them but, whatever. Shan't waste my time and effort.
It's been such a hell ride. Coping with all the emotional stress and all. Did I mention, my dog was being diagnosed with an illness recently? Yeah, that was actually already enough kill me. I just pray, pray hard enough that it wouldn't have to suffer so much. Each time, I see those sad eyes gazing at me while I try to feed his medicine through a syringe, really pains me. He must be hating all the medicine that has to take, he puts up a struggle everytime. The only thing I could mutter under my breadth is,' here boy, it's good for must take it okay'. Then I look at those sad eyes again, god. I just hope to give him a quality life, with whatever time that's left.
Been leaning on a couple of close friends recently, for emotional support. Tough times really do make you see the world and what kind of people are in it. Seen a couple of bitches and jerks, well...not really worth mentioning like how I would like to see it. Also saw some true and sincere emotions displayed by friends as well, which kinda made me really touched. Really simple gestures made my days bearable.
Then again, I get confused time and over again. Sometimes, what seems true to me may not seem true again the very next second. Guess I'm not making any sense if you've read till here. But yeah, some things I will never understand.
something into nothing
It was me and you against the world @ 10:30 PM
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Smile because it's almost over
Here's wishing all J2s who happen to chance upon this post ALL THE BEST for the A levels! Don't give up now cause you're almost there(;
Oh well, kinda have a myriad of feelings right now. Can't really explain it here as well. I don't know whether to feel glad or something else...and strangely, I'm not excited about tomorrow either.
Hope everything goes well. & I really mean, every single thing.
Take care everyone! (:
it's alright,just wait and see your string of lights still shine bright to me oh
It was me and you against the world @ 11:44 PM
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
It's alright, life's a tough crowd
The below abstract, I got it from Friendster. Yes friendster, not facebook. God, it's been so long since I last went into friendster. Was looking through testimonials when I came across this epic thing Tan Shi Geng wrote, memorable though! Very memorable! Plus all the other testimonials. Really, how time flies.
The Homie's Club is founded in 2008. Currently with a membership of erm-i-also-not-so-sure.
Objective of the Club is to ensure that everyday is a party for us and that we laugh together, we don't sulk together. Because sulking's not allowed.Below are some rules and regulations:
1) No more sulking
2) No partying without the others(that's something i always do though =P
3) No EMO-ing
4) Try your best to be as spastic and as lame as possible.
5) Most importantly, have funMascot of Homie's Club: Space the index and middle finger apart from the fourth finger and the pinky. It should look something like this-- \\//
So, you game?
When I first read it, I was so amused. & now I can't stop laughing at testimonials that date back to 5 years ago. Our style of writing was so damn epic.
" I am shooo happieeee todayy."
Classic example.
What were we thinking at that time?
It was me and you against the world @ 1:26 PM
Monday, November 01, 2010
Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything

Feeling like one of those days, cranky, emo vibes and all. I must be the most crankiest person on earth right now. The internet at home's being nothing but a bitch. Or maybe it's just my stupid computer. & the heat?? Damn global warming.People should just stop burning trees down for god's sake. & when I'm cranky, I do not like to talk, much less answer so many questions posted by people. I find it tiring and extremely frustrating, especially if you ask questions that are seemingly those none of my business kind or how-the-hell-should-I-know kind. Hence, I almost wanted to die during dinner. Yes, I was being spammed so many questions during dinner.
Now, see what I mean by cranky?
I'm usually quite patient and all, just not at such times.
But seeing colourful stuffs really do cheer me up a lot and talking to my daddy on the phone HAHAHAHAHA.
" Oh daddy look at that, very pretty right! Oh...that one also so pretty! Oh this one too!"
" Yah yah, all very pretty, money also very pretty"
Hahaha , dad so cute.
Mummy's sitting right next to me, shaking her head and laughing.
It was me and you against the world @ 9:34 PM