Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's like ,you're afraid this feeling would cling on to you forever.
It's like, you're afraid you wouldn't know what to do then.
It's like, you're afraid and of something you've never been through before.
It's also like you're afraid of letting it go.
& it's like, you're afraid of going through all of these alone.
It's like, you're lost.
It was me and you against the world @ 1:54 PM
Friday, May 29, 2009
Three words.
Eight letters.
One meaning.
I just need to unwindIn my time machineI need to go far awayA few years back would be okay
It was me and you against the world @ 11:25 PM
Thursday, May 28, 2009

& maybe, we can all smile a little more now because tomorrow's the start of our June holidays. Thank god. Just when I needed this break.
But then again, this holiday doesn't exactly seem to be like it's gonna be a damn good one. Whatever! So long as I don't have to go to school everyday, i'm fine with it.
Today, things didn't really start of too well in the morning. Ahaha, as a result, I have three people giving me the same exact comments. B and R were nice, they went over to the cocoa trees sale at the canteen and came back with a big pack of Haribo gummies for me to cheer me up and to get me talking. Ha, and therefore in the future I know what to do in order to get free gummies(: Ahaaa,they'll probably kill me. B is kinda funny. B hates it when I start stoning but when I get super high and start singing all the random songs, I'm asked to shut up (: Ha. Just recently, R was telling us when you normally stare into green stuffs like the trees and greenary around you,you'll tend to start stoning. Then B and I were like, " I can stone at anywhere and at anything la" Jinx,we said the same thing at the same time.
School ended like at 6.30 pm today. STARS wasn't that boring, I was like crapping with Russ,vandalising each other's worksheets and talking about super random stuffs! Lol, what the hell. Now we've got so many nicknames.Not for ourselves. There's ball, outer curves, 'best friend',Killer whale...and the list goes on. Damn basket! >,< And Russ is afraid of outercurrrrvvveessss...ahahahahahaahhaahah!(: (: (:
Your smile.
It was me and you against the world @ 9:21 PM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Deal with it.
Countdown. 3 days to June holidays.
Sigh,it's the last week of school and it's still as hectic as ever. Homework pouring in, datelines to meet,long days...what's new? Yeah, what's new. 5 months seem to have passed, pretty quickly yet pretty slow at the same time. I don't know.
Something random. I think mole concept is getting quite fun to do. Wth was I doing in Secondary school? Mole concept was one of my worst nightmare then. Wasted,damn. No use regretting already, so yeah. (:
Today, I got to know more! Interesting, interesting! (: Somehow, everything seems just like before. But will it be exactly like before? Idk. Should it be like before?Don't know as well. She asked me,"why?" Because it's almost incomparable. A few months compared to a couple of's really hard. There's one other reason as well.
Tomorrow's a wednesday. And wednesdays are meant for us to sleep in but no, GPP got in the way. Bummer. Tonight, I have Econs to do, GP to do...there goes my sleep.
To take it all away, I know that there's something that will definitely help...but then again,
Been there,done that.
It was me and you against the world @ 9:44 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Somehow, I miss being in Band.

TJ's concert was awesome but we kinda missed the first 40 mins or so of the concert cause the four of us thought the concert was at 7.30pm. I liked the skit put up by the J1s and I liked the songs being played. I miss band. I miss being in band. Sigh.
Great, it's gonna be the last week of school before the school break sets in.
I can barely wait.
But then again, I don't want the holidays to come. At least currently, you know, there's like something for you to look forward to- the holidays.Like,oh's coming! Hang in there! Just one more week or so! That sort of thing. When the holidays come, you'll have something to not look forward to- the end of it.Like, oh crap...3 more weeks left....then 2 more! And soon before you know it, only a day left before we're back to school. And what do we have when school reopens? MID YEAR EXAMS.
JC Life...argh!
5 months down, so many more to go.
I really do, but things just aren't the same.
It was me and you against the world @ 2:54 PM
Friday, May 22, 2009

Omg, I can hardly wait. I miss Belinda, Jessica and Kangwei so much(x10000000000)!!! I have not seen them for like, almost two months! Of course, I miss Tiffany and Xiaojia too...but I see them more often than the other three.
Today, while out with Beatrice and Rach, I saw Sharir and Ridzwan. Nowadays, whenever I see ex-tksians that I know, somehow I feel kinda happy (: Rach was telling me something pretty interesting to know. She said almost all the ex-tksians in our school has a certain aura amongst them. The 'dao' aura. Like when you don't know them, they appear to be very 'cold' on the outside but after you know them, you realise they're nothing but a bunch of crappy people. Crappy as in, those who like to joke about. She cited Russ,David,Geng,Brandon,me of course + some others, which I think...kinda makes sense. The only people she says that she knows and are exceptions are Fiona and my twin. Expected luh (:
Edurace today was really lame please. During my shift, no primary students came. We were let off at about 9.45 am but my shift was only at 4 pm. -.- Went out to have lunch and everything and it still wasn't our turn.-.-
& anyway.... the day ended kinda well. (:
Edward of the day.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:29 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Uhh.No, it's not my toe, if you're wondering. But (: so cute right the picture? & somehow, I feel this way today.
Tomorrow's gonna be a slack slack slack day cause we're having sports day and I love it! Friday's gonna be another slack day, lessons after 9.30 am will be cancelled! Woohoo!
Today, I practically almost died during Econs Lecture. And you know what, in the end, after filing most of my stuffs yesterday night, the teachers decided not to collect the files today. Brilliant, simply brilliant.Waste my time can?ZZZ.
Ahaha, I think I'm plain retarded =X I actually couldn't help but smile to myself. Simple things like
this do actually brighten up my day(:
If only for a day,
It was me and you against the world @ 10:38 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009

Maybe, you should wish me good luck.
Well, I have tons of econs tutorials to be completed by tomorrow. Let's see, tutorial 2 has 9 questions, two of which are essay questions. Tutorial 3, there are 5 questions to be completed,3 of which are worth more than or at least 8 marks each. And judging by the mark allocation, I should be expected to write a whole darn load of crap down for my answers.
After my tutorials are done,if it's even possible, I would have to move on to filing my geography and econs file for file checking tomorrow. Have I done all my tutorials? Good question. Hmm. I hope so. Can I remember where I've put all my completed tutorials?Hmm,another question. I definitely hope so. Or else... GG. Ha, even my Econs teacher uses " GG", so cute .
Errr. So, I shouldn't be in bed till at least after 2 am perhaps? I think I have no life. When people are supposed to be comfortably sleeping and off to their dreamland, we, students have to do such things, in the middle of the night.
Okay, enough of procrastinating. Back to darling econs (: zzz.
I'm not going to panic, I'm not going to panic, I'm not going to panic~
I've been losing my mind
I've been living a lieI've been runnning away for so long
It was me and you against the world @ 9:20 PM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows
"The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch swing with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've ever had. "- Unknown
"True friends are the people who are there for you unconditionally. They are the people who never question you and support you no matter what the circumstances are. They are the people worth living for."
Thankfully, Ive met people like that.
It's been one crazy roller coaster ride, still is, always will be. But it makes the ride all worthwhile because the midst of sitting this crazy ride, I have found friends who were willing to sit through it with me. & these friends, I'll never ever want to lose them. & these friends, I thank God for letting me find them.
Through it all, we'll scream our lungs through this ride together, we'll laugh our asses off together and we'll enjoy the times with one another.
to be continued!(:
Friends. Ahaha. Friends do stupid things together as well. I miss MAMAs. A lot. Just the other day, after doing my FB quiz, Kangwei asked me why my Guihua Tea wasn't in any of the option. He reminded me of the times lol! the whole group of them would make like,a hell lot of noise when i buy that drink from the canteen. Xiaojia and Bao would be like," EEE! That drink's so smelly!" And in the end? Bao started to like that drink as well.-.- Then Tiff reminded me a few days ago not to stick out my tongue if I ever made a mistake on stage during the performance. Ahah! I was so guilty of doing that during outdoor at the field! Everytime when I blundered, I would always stick out my tongue. Somehow, it was like..a habit then and the seniors ,bandmasters and alumni always reminded us not to do that cause it would be so bloody obvious on the field when you stick your tongue out.=p
The 4 other homies in school, ha...thankfully I have them with me. Phew. Honestly, I don't know if we'll drift. All of us are in different classes, school ends late everyday and we hardly meet each other during the day until after all lessons. But we seem to be doing fine. We're all still very close to one another(: We always wait for one another to end school, then sometimes we'll just sit by the cafe and chit chat till damn late. None of us really changed, almost all as spastic as usual. Fiona is still as chirpy and high most of the time, Annie is still my twinnie and we both have the same math teacher...SAD! , Geng is still as crappy in his own way and still as spastic, always randomly come and point finger at me when I didn't do anything,lol basket. "Wth!Why you point at me!?" " Where got, I never lor..." ZZZZ. Then he denies.Lol spastic.
Dinner-ed out yesterday with Tiffany, David,Geng and Fiona at Popeyes. Popeyes the love! Okay,anyway...airport's the love luh basically. I like the whole,atmosphere and feeling while being there. & like tiffany, each time going to that place, reminds me of a certain memory that have took place before.
It's been awhile since I last spent time with Tiff, like just the two of us. Used to go shopping and everything together in sec two, until life got busier in sec three and four. We just talked and toured around t2 and t3.
It's ironic that change is the only constant in this world,yea?
Things change,people change.
I was blind, such a fool.
It was me and you against the world @ 9:46 AM
Thursday, May 14, 2009

So tired of fighting for a lost cause.
So tired of everything.
It was me and you against the world @ 10:35 PM
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I'm sooooo tired.
Wanted to sleep in today but had to drag myself out of bed to meet my PW members to do GPP. But guess what, we ended up catching up on our homework. Haa. Blahhhhhhhhh.
Due to the stupid swine flu, our Europe trip which was suppose to take place like,next week? has been cancelled/postponed. Oh well. Good and bad. Good is that, we'll have more time without the intensive practices. that,well...I hope all the SC people will still be able to join us at the end of the year if there's a trip =(
Sigh.Still, there are many school events coming up like within this few weeks. Like, let's see...three of them's gonna take place by next week and one in June.
I just read something somewhere. It's nice seeing him being so sweet to the one he loves and especially also,to see him carry out everything he said and promised her.He said he would appear,and he really did.Even though I'm just the one reading about what has happened,my heart practically melted. I'm really happy for them. I kinda thought of a song that can relate to this whole scenario. Guess what song?
The simplest things and actions could actually make a whole world of difference.
And now there's a voice inside my heart that's got me wondering,Is this true, I want to hear it one more time.Tell me I'll pull through this hurdle.Tell me I'll be fine.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:06 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
And I wanna believe you,
When you tell me that it'll be ok,
Ya I try to believe you,
But I don't
When you say that it's gonna be,
It always turns out to be a different way,
I try to believe you,
Not today, today, today, today, today...
I don't know how I'll feel,
tomorrow, tomorrow,
I don't know what to say,
tomorrow, tomorrow
Is a different day
It's always been up to you,
It's turning around,
It's up to me,
I'm gonna do what I have to do,
just don't
Gimme a little time,
Leave me alone a little while,
Maybe it's not too late,
not today, today, today, today, today...
I don't know how I'll feel,
tomorrow, tomorrow,
I don't know what to say,
tomorrow, tomorrow
Is a different day
Hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, and I know I'm not ready,
Hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, maybe tomorrow
Hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, and I know I'm not ready,
Hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, maybe tomorrow
And I wanna believe you,
When you tell me that it'll be ok,
Yeah I try to believe you,
Not today, today, today, today, today...
Tomorrow it may change
Tomorrow it may change
Tomorrow it may change
Tomorrow it may change
Avril Lavigne- Tomorrow
It was me and you against the world @ 5:07 PM
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Friday was like,"whattttt?" zzz. I wasn't exactly very attentive during maths tutorial. I was bored, I was stoning, I was tired. My teacher thought I was staring and was angry at her apparently. Not once but twice. -.- Didn't know I've got such magnificent eye power to scare the hell out of people when I'm wasn't even intending to do anything to them or to show anything?
It went like that,
I turned my head to look at the teacher and she suddenly gave me this puzzled look back and smiling at the same time. o.O I gave her the same puzzled look back cause I thought she knew I was far away in my own dreamland. Then came,
" Why you staring at me?"
I'm like," huh?! I'm not?" So the lesson continued.
Again, I was still bored and tired. My hand was rested against my cheeks as I continued to listen and look at her teaching. She stopped halfway,looked at me and then came,
T:Can you don't stare at me?~
Me: Huhhh????
Friends sitting around me: Hahahahahahah,aiyo she's not staring at you la!She has always been this way!
Me: Huhhhh!?
T:Really ah? She looks like she's staring at me so angrily...if you have any problems can come find me okay??
Me+ Friends: *burst out laughing*
Speechless.Wth, she made the few of us laugh till our faces turned red. Especially when she speaks in that funny tone of hers. I think annie should know what i'm talking about (: Wth, I was innocent please. I didn't do anything,really? After that, for the remaining time we had with her, I didn't dare to even look at her. LOL. Omg. Seriously.-.-
Today's PW meet up was ahaha, expected. Nothing productive. The stupid wireless connection didn't work, we couldn't surf the net for info. We kept laughing. The one who inititated the 'late comer's fine system' really turned up the earliest. The one we jokingly asked to turn up at 9.30am instead of 10am cause she said she always tend to be late took the joke for real and called me at 9.30am to ask where I was cause she was already there. =p
My hand almost broke from carrying my com. Thank god my brother and his friend turned up afterwards to carry my com for me. (: I asked my brother to supply me with some income from his NS pay,lol! Guess his reply.
What was I?I wish I could Bubble Wrap my heart,In case I fall and break apart,I'm so tired already.
It was me and you against the world @ 9:35 PM
Thursday, May 07, 2009
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
-Walter Winchell
It was me and you against the world @ 10:54 PM
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
& so, a silver.
Hmm. Well, I think we did pretty well already. Considering the fact that, our choir was made up of so many people who had no choir background at all?& all these achieved in a mere short span of 3 months? Many of us were disappointed after the results though, it was one of our,best performances i guess?
Sigh. At first, after the results were being read out,I stayed pretty calm. Then we walked out of the hall,and out of the VCH...and then...many people broke down. Seeing them break down, I don't know what to say. Seeing Fiona being so sad... I don't know what to say as well. =( It's my first time experiencing this afterall,being in choir & I suck at consoling.Thank god for the MJ-TK people being there for Fiona. The atmosphere around was damn heavy,obviously. I think I almost broke down too. Somehow,at that time...I wished for something badly. Sigh.
Met two of them for dinner yesterday (: Thanks guys, ahaha...for cheering me up! BFF was nice, he agreed to come out to meet me for dinner after I told him I was feeling pretty down.BFF!!! (: And of course, R too...for initiating dinner (:
All these scenarios kinda reminded me of last year's SYF, outdoor competition. SYF competitions are zzz...scary and they definitely will leave an impact somehow,something you'll probably never forget.
Okay! Sad things aside.Before the results were out, over lunch yesterday, it was damn funny! The 8 of us laughed like, A LOT on stuffs that are confidential.(:
Today! Met up with homies for breakfirst at Macs. I just realised TM has loads of macs outlets. Mmm. All of us came late when we're supposed to meet at 7.30am. I was too lazy to get out of bed. In the end, all of us were almost late for school. We only reached school at about, 8.50am?BUT! The teachers didn't book us somehow.Phew =)
Lunch out with TK gang. Fiona, David and Twinne were sitting at the same table, the Brandons and Soon at another table. The waitor came to talk to us in chinese...omg. Lol! The four of us were like having this really tough time communicating with him. I tried for awhile, then I gave up. LOL! Fiona as well. David and Annie,HAHA! =p I think they were wondering how Fiona and I ever managed to pass higher chinese right?To be honest, I don't know as well! I can't speak chinese for nuts, those who know me well should know.
Just when i needed,
It was me and you against the world @ 10:27 PM
Monday, May 04, 2009
Oh dear.
SYF is like, tomorrow?! Hmm...this is my, 4th SYF competition but competing in a totally new category and a totally new scenario. The nervousness has not really set in yet, although...shit. I seriously don't want to screw anything up tomorrow and to make things even more scarier, I'm being put in the first row. T.T
Honestly, I do have stage fright.
But, I won't be that bad. Being in band has trained me to overcome it (:
Today's PE was damn fun! Field was wet from the rain, was soccer indoors! Our really cool PE teacher just taught the whole bunch of us,girls, some basics. Actually, if you were to stand by the side, and if you happen to be a soccer player, I think you will think that we're a bunch of retards learning the basics of soccer. Even our PE teacher had a hard time containing her laughter (:
After PE, a few of us rushed to the Cafe to buy cupcakes for David's mini last-minute birthday celebration. We bought, 11 cupcakes in total. Wanted to buy enough for the whole class but,there wasn't enough cupcake sold at the cafe.Not many people ate the cupcakes anyway!Was supposed to be a surprised luh but somehow he found out. Mission failed.ahaha. Put candles and everything else on the cupcake and sang the birthday song afterwhich.
David and Russ are jokers. They didn't do their econs homework and so, to sort of...make our econs teacher a little happier so that she wouldn't punish or scold them too severely, David offered her one of the cupcakes during the start of the lesson. It worked luh.Omg. When she went round to check their work she was like," Okay, since today it's David's birthday..." she let them off.(:
Wanted to watch the soccer match today at school, but....
to be continued! (:
Good luck to all those taking part in SYF'09 !
It was me and you against the world @ 8:59 PM
Friday, May 01, 2009
Picture from the net."After every storm,there will always be a rainbow..."
I'm still clinging on to this so-called ' Rainbow theory' that the 4 other homies gave me since that very day. I'm trying to believe, everything that has happened or is happening currently,has a reason behind it. A really good reason.
And still,there are some things that I still don't get it. No matter what reasons I'm going to get or I could or may get. Why?
The past few days were like,hmm. I can't exactly remember! Actually,there were like many funny,super hilarious moments I would have liked to highlight but argh, just when these things came and happened, I didn't have the mood to blog about them.
Currently, I'm being monitored by Fiona on the food I eat. T.T No beloved hot and spicy stuffs (SOB!) no dairy products, no orange lot of other stuffs! But it's okay,about 4 more days to SYF! (:
Oh, I'm happy with my PW grouping (: Soon's grouping is like,damn funny la..omg.HAHAHAH! The other homies' groupings I think...should be quite okay? Thank god, no plucking of eyebrows for me>,<
It was me and you against the world @ 1:25 AM