Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Today has been so-so. Been feeling super lethargic and was in sort of a foul mood. There was nothing interesting today.
Yesterday? Yesterday was pretty good on the other hand. Everyone was like on this "high" mode. People around me kept hiding my things here and there,without me even realising until they decide to hint to me that something of mine was missing.I should stop being so oblivious to my surroundings ya? Things went smoothly till at night,where everything just went downhill. Thanks for the sarcasm, I so needed it.
KLWMBC is like in, 3 days time. Cool.
I've been loaning people stuffs xD
I'm left with my hmm...let's see, only my beret and skirt at the moment,ha!
It was me and you against the world @ 10:25 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
I'm tired,really tired.
The weather and all made things even gloomier than I already am. I feel really envious at times of some people,some things...and some times I wish...
Anyway,Homecoming's tomorrow. I hope everything goes smoothly for them,just one more week, jiayou people.
I need somewhere to run to.But where?
It was me and you against the world @ 9:49 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Racial Harmony Day Celebration tomorrow!
Weehee~Slacking time...I like =D
So we'll be having NE talks in the morning.I seriously hope it'll be as engaging as the last one. Afterwhich,we'll be going some activities according to our houses.Guess what. I've been put into the chinese calligraphy activity -.-! I've never,ever in my whole entire life,held a chinese calligraphy brush ( or whatever it's called) to write chinese characters out but I reckon it's something like painting right so...it should be fun luh =D There'll be Phang and Wanyin and Jiamin with me anyway,whee~
Speaking of chinese characters, I feel like...
Well this is the situation. Chinese lessons are like freaking boring nowadays cause what we do practically for every freaking lesson is,
1) Zuoye
2)Reflections on some chinese news article
3) Zuowen
4)A freaking full test paper
Today, we had to finish the freaking full test paper. I didn't manage to complete the summary but urgh! Whatever! The passages seem as though they're in french. Do I understand french?No. So do I understand the passages? No. I can't imagine 3 more months of doing this, cause everytime I get such papers during lessons, I feel like tossing the papers out of the window. Argh! I don't hate the language, I just don't like the stuffs we're made to do. Argh!!
The phrase I dread to hear each day,
" Ming tian/Jing tian zuo zuowen/kaojuan/zuoye"
No,i can't spell it out for you.
It was me and you against the world @ 11:21 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Somehow I had loads of fun while making citation cords today with them.(Meryl,Shannon,Derek,Glenn) They looked funny doing those cords and I kept rejecting shannon's cord. Not on purpose luh.
After numerous attempts...still...
"Help me check if it's okay"
*Hands over cord*
*Checking in progress*
" I can see those words coming out of her mouth..."
" It's too loose,re-tie"
Oh well xD
It was me and you against the world @ 8:45 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
How time flies when you're not having fun as well. Look,it's friday already.I've got nothing to blog about actually because practically everyday is a repeated cycle,mundane and boring.
I really want to.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:43 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
With less than a hundred days away from Os, how are you feeling?
I hope so too.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:23 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
It's almost the end of the week.
thursday morning, my class peeps spotted a rainbow.It was very visible from our class .The colours were prominent and nice. What a great day to start school or so i thought. Things went pretty well until the last lesson. What can i say?
Some things are seriously such a waste of time.
Oral today...blah. Anyway, stayed back to finish up some stupid composition that was due today. I bet
i'm so failing it. Firstly,i had the lack of ideas.Secondly,when i had them,they
didnt flow nicely through the whole compo.Lastly, I was just too sleepy and lethargic to complete one decent composition.Oh well.
So much homework!
It was me and you against the world @ 7:57 PM
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Scary~Things just get weirder.(not related to anything here)
I got to know/find out about a couple of things in the past few days + today.
1) I'm not alone (;
2) Stuffs.
3) Meryl and Sherting are the newly appointed UMs.
*Meryl meryl, in the future you'll be the one receiving notes from your juniors asking you to stop catching them for their low ankle socks. I still have that slip you gave me on the day of our competition,lol. It's your turn now~ =DCan't deny it.
It was me and you against the world @ 7:47 PM
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Nice date today, and it's my brother's birthday.

It's sort of censored...but try guessing what's behind those '=x' .
I think we're so lame.Oh well xD
Over time,it's becoming a need more than a want.Want.Need.____.
It was me and you against the world @ 5:17 PM
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
I just had a loooooooooong talk with someone. Hmm,maybe I should try to be more understanding and more tolerant. Got to know some stuffs that are pretty saddening...I hope everything will be fine.
Life's so fragile. Think so?
I don't know. People come and go,things come and go,things change,people change,nothing actually lasts forever. Not too long ago,I had another talk with my tuition teacher.We were talking about the purpose in life. Everyone has their own goal,their own purpose in life,their own priorities,so on and so forth. Honestly,I haven't found my purpose in life. Well, my tuition teacher too. What is life all about actually?
Everything's so fast paced nowadays,be it in the working society or even in schools. It's so hard to even slow down,take a breather and then continue again. Competition everywhere, stress mounting on each individual.Just look at us students, we're facing a whole lot of stress already, what more the working people?Maybe we shouldn't even go there, it's kinda scary. Of course, these are only the negative side of it or maybe not,it really depends on how you view such things,having your own perspective.I guess there's so much more then just these. To me, the happier side of life would be like, having a bunch of friends that does nonsensical funny lame stuffs that make you laugh your ass off, having a happy family and just doing the things you really like and enjoy.
Life,merely a simple 4-letter word but yet has so much meaning to it. The true meaning of it,i've yet to discover. Maybe,in the years to come I will.
For now,my short termed goal would be to get Os done and over with,do well and get into a desired school of my choice.As for the rest, I'll think about it later.
Don't worry,i'm not emoing~~ Rest assured! =D
It was me and you against the world @ 6:40 PM