Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Currently I'm hooked onto a book I just got yesterday entittled -Where Rainbows End. Author: Cecelia Ahern
So far, I think it's a really nice book. The author's the one who wrote the book tittled 'PS,I Love You' and that's another nice book to read (the movie's showing in the cinemas soon!! On Valentine's day I think! That's what I heard from others.) I got that book last year and up till today,guess what,I've not read even half of the book's content =p Yes,I'm definitely not an avid reader much less a fast reader. But! A "miracle" of some sort has happened, I'm reading 'Where Rainbows End' at 100+/- pages/day and it's been only 2 days ( inclusive of today). I feel a sense of achievement,ha -.-''
Anyway the story plot's about love and friendship,if that's what you want to know. I wonder, if such everlasting friendships do last in reality.I sincerely hope they do though I can't imagine how my friends and I will be like in thirty,forty or even fifty years down the road! It's nice to keep in contact with each other, to let each other know they care and love each other...and everything!I wonder if we'll joke over the same old stuffs and laugh about them like there wasn't any tomorrow. You think this will ever come true?
I pray it does.
So hopefully, I'll remain with these bunch of friends I'm currently surrounded with till forever. They're the ones that make me laugh so much till I forget about everything else that's unpleasant.
Both of them tried to sound me out today but I said nothing.Thanks guys, I feel contented enough knowing you both actually bothered to try to find out and help =D Siblings for life? =D I will absolutely go for a 'YES,PLEASE!'
To another close friend, thanks for just now ^^ 3 yrs and 30 days and still going on...rock on! =D
It was me and you against the world @ 7:40 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
I just viewed something really...
hmm,how should i put it?
Entertaining perhaps.
Personally, I don't feel anything at all. Really. I don't see why I have to account to anyone for my actions and I don't see why anyone of us have to,especially to you. You're not happy?Deal with it! If this is some kind of way to vent your frustrations then oh,so be it. Do I care? Let's see,how about a no?And it's not up to you to reason out what is reasonable and what is not, like hold on,who are you to do so?
Ha,yeah so whatever~
Since I'm not stating any names, don't go around assuming who
I'm referring to & if you happen to think
I'm referring to you, maybe you're just thinking too much or either that ....shan't elaborate.
Have a nice day people.
It was me and you against the world @ 11:05 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Yesterday's SSO concert was....okay. Anyway,thanks darlings for celebrating my birthday for me and thanks for the presents as well =)
Currently i'm so pissed off.
Look at all the freaking amount of tuition homework my tuition teacher gave me.At first i thought,okay...reasonable amount of questions until i found out 1 question consists of at least 4 such parts and in this 4 such parts you've got to find 2 other sub parts.WTH!~and he gave me like 10 of such bloody questions to do plus like 10 other questions . What makes him think i've got so much bloody time to do all these questions. If you give me a week with 14 days then maybe okay, i will have the time...but what the heck,there's only 7 days!
It was me and you against the world @ 11:30 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
YES! I've got it! I'm happy,like obviously. Many others did extremely well too so congrats to everyone,for example my section seniors! =) Daddy's proud of me ^^ Finally,i think it's been quite awhile whereby
i've got something to make him proud of.
Today someone was... Don't want to elaborate but anyway...I forgive you since
everything's over=D
Oh crap, I still feel so confused over some matters...=X Anyway,tomorrow's a slack day and i love it!
Woohoo. There better not be any circuit training.
ZZzzZz Monday's circuit training has caused many people,including myself to have
stomach muscle aches and other aches. It's currently very agonising to cough or laugh because you feel the ache there.
One last thing, I'm so gonna flunk the maths test today.
tagreplies!Alsing: You wont there thus perhaps you wont get the joke.Fiona: It's fun to do know...Diku: I woudn't leave you dear!Ken: Emo? I was out la...Xiaomei: Sorry no cure! Joking luh. Forgiven.
It was me and you against the world @ 10:18 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tomorrow's the release of the O level results. Oh crap, will I get my distinction for my chinese? I'm feeling pretty nervous right now...and to make things worst,there's gonna be a maths test tomorrow.How great.
I think I'm so oblivious to my surroundings at times. For example, Fiona changed her pencil box today and I only realised during remedial ...which was around 5 pm. -.- The best thing of all is that she sits right beside me in class. Yea,call me blur or lag... another would be the nickname my friend of mine gave me. I only realised what he meant after a day -.- There are still many more examples.What has happened to me...?
I feel so confused right now...T.T
It was me and you against the world @ 7:21 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Woohoo~~ jump for joy!
There's no homework today nor tests to study for =D Oh my,how rare ya? I've been super stressed up since yesterday. Not only was i stressed over Chemistry test, i was also stressed over uncompleted homework and everything else. Now that chemistry test is over,i think i can finally like sit back and relax but only for awhile since I have tuition later -.-
I'm really tired now. My eyes were like on the verge of closing while doing that crazy chemistry class test,consisting of 19 pages. I think i killed a couple of brain cells and,i don't actually know if i'm going to pass...=X
Okay,they say the O level results are going to be released this thursday,crap. I hope i get my A =D
Joke of the day:
During geog lesson.
Quoted from person X " Is the road connecting M'sia and S'pore a spit?"
Reply: "No,it's called a causeway" Lol,wth.Thanks for making me more awake =D
Stop reminding me of everything i don't want to be reminded of after a tiring day.Please,spare me.I've got so many unreplied tags...oops =X shall reply them here (earliest to latest)Alison: Oh,take care then?don't whack the instrument so hard?Fiona: Lol, your not qualified to be a nun.You're too emo =X Okay yeah,so 6 periods of chanting including english...omg,no wonder the fever wouldn't subside.HAHA!Alsing: errr,major sabo-er?Wy: Thanks!Fiona: Yes,i enjoyed my birthday like...TOTALLY! Thanks for organising the recess thing ^^Meryl: LOl,awww so sad right?! Haha might not be from my class...but if it classmates are nice people.Ken: But the thing is i still told the truth like ...10 sec later?big deal!Yingtai: Yep,a nice birthday i got =) Oh and thanks for wishing me for a 2nd time.You don't have to be envious of me,your classmates can do that for you too! Suggest that to tiffany!Tiffy: Don't call me that luh! Your face was red,don't deny.Alison: Well, i guess i'm lucky =XRachel: stop calling me that luh!!!!!Fiona: Yea,super sweet =DAlsing: LOl.Ken: The unknowns?All disappeared,*pooof* all gone!Fiona: You're bored?Aww,must be because you're not talking to me,right?Of course i am!Meryl: You're in self denial girl.There's always such thing called sabo-ing before CNY or after CNY.How can i ever let you off when you poured like so much water on me... =X So yea,forget about being DRY,girl.I must make sure EACH of us bring those kind of 1.5 litre bottles,muaha.Ken:Lol, yours so tragic ah?Poor brain cells of yours =(Fiona: I don't know where all the unknowns went =.= Why can't i kill several of them when i have millions of them?You're not making any sense HuiHoon...Fiona: Okay so you're famished and hence you're here to tag my blog...Hmm..i don't see the link.Is my tagboard very hunger-satisfying or are my replies to your tags are? >,<Uhuh!Done!=)
It was me and you against the world @ 6:26 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I got sabo-ed by my section mates today.
It all started when band practice ended. I dreaded to go down because I saw a whole bunch of my section mates below the rotunda,ARMED WITH WATER BOTTLES. Still, I had to go down and Hilma(our senior that graduated last yr) made the whole section fall in. Our ex SL'06,miaoying first talked to us and then Hilma,afterwhich the
torture fun began.
Hilma fell the rest of the section out,except me T.T. Today's the 7th time people sang me the birthday song ^^ As my section mates sang the song,they started splashing water at me. Omg,I have to highlight on my sec three juniors.They're the
best la. Normal water bottle not big enough for them apparently, they had to bring those kind of 1.5 litre water bottles la! I think my heart nearly skipped a beat when I saw them refilling the water bottles after lunch and they kept grinning when they saw me 0.0 Well, this band sort of tradition...I already expected it because one of my junior smsed me yesterday to bring extra clothes -.-
So...I had like what, 20+ people pouring water at me? The
really good thing of having such a big section -.-'' The girls even chased me into the toilet after i made my escape...and they still managed to pour water at me even though i locked myself in the toilet -.- The last session of water pouring came after i walked out of the toilet,dripping wet...totally drenched...yea,miaoying made me fall in again, more water pouring.
JESSICA'S THE BEST-EST FRIEND! She's the only one who didn't participate in making me wet ^^ woohoo~ but all in all, thanks to all because you made my 16th birthday even more memorable =D
Okay,now i've got blocked nose again -.-
Fun aside.
I'm currently also feeling very very stressed, very exhausted too. Sec 4 life is such a pain. Tests tests tests! Homework homework homework!! Tuition tuition tuition!! Grades grades grades!!O levels O levels O levels!! Distinctions Distinctions Distinctions!! Every single damned thing revolves around these few words...nothing else.
But you know, it's just so demoralising at times
It was me and you against the world @ 8:30 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Today's one of the best-est birthdays I ever had =) I'm both thankful and happy ^^
Firstly,thanks to everyone who wished me today,be it via SMS or in school or wherever...I'll keep the smses for sure!! Haha,some of my friends are like so cute, they started smsing me yesterday night because they could not stay up till 12am to wish me ^^ but anyway,by 12am i was already asleep too...=p
In the morning, Fiona Chia called me while i was on my way to school to ask if i was coming to school.Well you see, I have 2 days of MC from the doctor and while talking to Fiona online yesterday, she asked if i was coming.I told her maybe yes,maybe not.HAHA! So yea,she called in the morning and i told her i wasn't coming (haha) but oh well,she told me she was asking me seriously so I had to tell her the truth.I did have my doubts then because of the serious tone she was talking in.Hmm...
CE was okay...choosing choices was boring due to the very limited options. I think most of my classmates and myself chose cooking as our first choice.We're gonna be chefs next time!=D Did the fill in what we wanted for our two other choices and just about the lesson was going to end, our form teacher got the class to sing me a birthday song.That was my first surprise of the day.Who told her?Yingcong!!! But yea,my classmates and form teacher are so sweeeeeeeeeeettttt!!=D I just realised something,ms wong made the class sing the birthday song for me during CE last year too!
Second surprise of the day came during recess. While I was with wanyin and adeline,cheryl came and told me mrs tey wanted to see me -.- So I followed her and tadah! Surprise number 2,found behind the library/behind the mural wall. I saw a bunch of my classmates there with a birthday cake meant for Huiwen and myself ^^ So sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttt luh! Haha, but because of this the whole bunch of us were late for maths though =S But we were let off after a little lecturing =p Huiwen's birthday's tomorrow! So this was why Fiona's acting so fishy today....
And and and!! After chinese supplementary, I went out with the 2B gang to celebrate at swensens! Woooohooo~ All of them were so funny...Russell was damn crappy...and everyone's like teasing each other.One point of time Tiffany's face went super red =p All of laughed a lot and the feeling felt really really great.
Yea, so I'm really thankful for having such a memorable birthday this year, the last one that i'm going to spend in TK...=D and and and!! The best thing is, i had all my closest bunch of friends and classmates to celebrate with me.WHEE~~~
Thanks for all the presents too =D
It was me and you against the world @ 6:08 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Today's not a really good day T.T Many unpleasant stuffs happened.Okay,many not that many but just a few but,it's still bad. Tomorrow's gonna be a great day! Don't worry,
i'm not hinting anything.Forget everything that's unpleasant people...for example, to the one sitting next to me in class -.-I don't know what happened to you but just cheer up,alright?
Sianded,i finally got dragged to see the doctor just now-.- but the good thing is,
i've got 2 days MC! =)
My brother called back just now and I talked to him.This is the first time
i'm talking to him ever since he left for NS. Felt so weird talking to him over the phone! But somehow i felt happy though we talked only for awhile, why?I don't know either. He wished me in advance ^^So sad
luh,it's so late already and he still has to go for some lessons and i asked him if he was bald.
LOL! He also said it was boring because there's no
tv,no computer,not even the newspaper =S how sad =( Good thing is he has some of his school mates there,together with him.Tomorrow's gonna be quiet at home, just me and my parents =(
Hmmm...okay. There's some major teasing going on
MSN now, i think i should go back to help Rachel,against Edmund and Russell =) Russell,you're not going to win!
It was me and you against the world @ 9:26 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Today's not a really nice day...because I wasn't feeling too well. All my classmates/friends were very nice and caring ^^ and Fiona kept chanting for me to go home and rest after recess till....assembly? Which is about 4 periods -.- But oh well, I didn't heed her advise =S I think Wanyin and Fiona are very,erm...nanny-like. Wanyin was telling me what to avoid to eat and drink in school and Fiona,like i said...kept nagging at me but i know she did it because she CARED,right right? =D
The weather can be so unpredictable at times.Take care people! Don't fall sick.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:32 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Oh crap,I'm feeling kinda ill now.
Woa,I just realised they're so many birthdays this week,excluding mine luh....*ahem*^^ Practically everyday I think I know of people celebrating their birthdays ! So many January babies =D Today's Weicong's... Tomorrow's Ryan's,Saturday's huiwen..Friday it's................. haha =X
Today's heavy downpour in the late afternoon was .... We could feel its presence not just by looking,hearing but also by getting wet....while sitting at the canteen,a supposedly sheltered area =X Oh well, but it was cooling so i'm not really complaining.
Okay,this shall be a short post =)
,sometimes i just want to quit.
It was me and you against the world @ 11:31 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
My throat's feeling kinda uncomfortable now *ahem*. Everyone's falling ill recently =( must take care people! =D
I think today was a relatively okay day. Morning's surprise attire check was lame. I got caught twice for different things -.-whatever! But it was somehow funny too...laughed a lot =) What a great way to start the day ^^
The first few lessons were okay....Geography lesson was very interesting.Why?Thanks to Fiona. She was being so horny =X She's VERY observant in spotting several words. She breaks out in laughter sometimes suddenly and she smiles to herself...zzz scary right?! Pity me. =p But looking at her being like this tickles me actually =D I'm not being mean,really.Just try sitting with her,you'll get what i mean. Anyway, i rather her be this way than her being EMO...=X
Omg, may i have the perseverance and the patience. They're shifting a row up and now,they're considered to be next to me. -.- My ears are definitely gonna suffer even more. Brilliant.
Yawn, I'm tired =.= and there's geog test tomorrow...
It's important because...
It was me and you against the world @ 6:43 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
It's the end of the week and tomorrow's the start of a brand new week.
The same routine's gonna repeat itself,oh dear... You know,every morning I wake up feeling so unwilling to like,get out of bed? I never fail to snooze my alarm clock for at least 3- 5 times until I finally convince myself that I was going to be late if I snoozed it for another time -.-
& this is how it's like every night when I'm doing homework:

I guess I'm not the only one feeling this fact,I guess this is how everyone feels at the end of a really hectic and long day.
Let's pull through this together! =D
I told my dad which JC I was aiming for and apparently, it's the JC my brother told me not to go to EVER. I bet when he finds out he'll question me and maybe psycho me not to go there.Why? For a very simple reason, he came from that school as well and he didn't like being there. I'm like exactly following his footsteps if i were to go there,same primary school,same secondary school and next,same JC. But truth is, I don't know where i really want to go to...JC or poly, I don't know which. I don't even know what my ambition is or what I want to be in the future so I really hope the language departments wouldn't come out with composition/conversational topics which go about this line - my ambition. If they do, wish me good luck then.
Where and what am I heading towards in life?This question, I can't answer.I'm like studying for the sake of studying,like...just to know I'm doing this for the good of my own future but the actual motive behind all these,I'm clueless =S I need to set a goal! =D
Anyway,this might be totally random but i think the song" teardrops on my guitar" is a really beautiful song.It's sung with so much emotions in it and I love it!
Okay,off to study geog... do homework that's due tomorrow first =p
I never want to forget any part of it.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:54 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Today was such a blast!
i've got sun burn =S It's so darn hot of the field.Felt as though my
skin was on fire and now as usual, i look like a boiled lobster!
Went to Ryan's house to celebrate his birthday,in advance. Together with Tiffany, we met
Yingcong and Edmund in school and
RachelPhang too. But,Rachel went home to get changed the remaining four of us went to PP to have our lunch =D Ate and walked around...until we were told that we were allowed to head down to R
yan's house. Got teased by the few of them as usual while we were together.
ZzzZzZWe were the first few to reach his house. So we hung around and waited for everyone to come. The fun came only when everyone arrived,and it mostly happened in Ryan's room. So many crappy things happened,laughed so much...Edmund and
Yingcong's like so crappy-funny.Russell's like his normal self,he finds flaws with the things i say and uses them against me =.= but nevertheless,he still makes the others and myself laugh like crazy =D As for Jeremy...
haha,i have no comments. Ryan...well,he's been helping out a lot to make his birthday party quite a success.
That was for the guys. The girls were almost equally enthusiastic.Enthusiastic in a way that Rachel and Wynne tried to hold a concert in Ryan's room by switching off the lights,screaming and raising their voices,oh not forgetting the singing too....Ouch,my ears.Yes,the agony of being there...oh,kidding! I won't ever regret being there!
During the night, they pushed J
eremy into the pool,ha. They bombed each other with water bombs later on and i tried to not get myself too involved because i didn't have extra clothes with me( I totally regret not bringing).However, i still got a little drenched thanks to
Rachelphang and Ryan. Not long after, almost all of them decided to get themselves wet by dunking each other into the pool or by taking some self initiative to jump in themselves =p
Wanyin and I weren't in the pool though,
cus' i warned them not to push me in...but somehow i almost got dragged by
Imran and
Khairul into the pool. Sitting by the corner watching them was enjoyable to see,just like how they're having so much fun. So many memories just kept flowing back...those days spent in secondary one and two were simply fantastic!
After all the pool activities were done, Wynne came to give me a big,wet hug while still in her dripping wet clothes. I'm so thankful she made me wet as well-.-
zzZzzZzzzZz Sort of rushed home after the cake cutting session since
wanyin wasn't feeling too well...hope she gets better! Oh,before i left...the guys gave me my advanced birthday present!
Awww,so sweet! Thanks
Yingcong, Russell,Edmund,Jeremy and Ryan!So,this was the surprise
Yingcong was talking about throughout the day =D
They said this would probably be the last outing of the year,till o levels at least. Gah,so saddening! ='(
It was me and you against the world @ 11:15 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Finally,the end of the week. It's been so tiring!Day after day,
there'll be extra lessons after school and they don't end before 4pm. =S
I can't remember what i want to blog about =S Okay,today our
chinese teacher made us write a
chinese compo and all the topics given were like so....impossible to write. Like on the one i chose,it's about writing on someone who changed my life? I can't write stuffs like that! Something so personal... Apparently,
wanyin can't write such things too. We go for reports!The whole
essence of the compo was so hard to bring out...i took like,1+ hour to finish that crappy compo,which i reckon i might fail for content =X Oh well,whatever!Fridays are so
chinese, we're like having 5 periods of
chinese non-stop?2 periods before school ends,3 after school. -.- Then again,
fridays are really really slack and i enjoy them =D
Thursdays are crazy.
You know what,
i've got nothing else to blog so i shall end here =D
It was me and you against the world @ 10:22 PM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
The old Cheryl's gone All gone (edited because i was told if i didn't,someone's gonna sue me for using his phrase -,-). I've changed for the better and I'm going to aim for my goals.No,let's put it this way.I'm
trying to change for the better and I
want to achieve my goals. I've wasted so much time in the past year so I guess it's time to really catch up. I hope I honour my words through the whole year,till O levels.
In the next few months to come, my schedule's probably gonna be very packed. There isn't actually any rest day for me,not even Sundays. From Monday till Sunday, 7 days a week, it's either extra classes in the afternoons, band practices or tuitions in the night. I'm not sure how I am going to cope with everything but they always say,when there's a will,there'll be a way right?
Fulfilling all of the above's gonna be tough,for sure. But even throughout all the stress and everything,I'm going to enjoy the year 2008.Afterall,it's our last year being in the school and hanging out with our bunch of friends,like how we always do =D I think my friends are totally awesome =D
On another note, my brother's gonna get enlisted for NS this Thursday. It's gonna be a little quieter around here...and i don't quite like the idea of that. Now I wonder how it feels like being the only child in the family... =S I won't be able to see him being enlisted but that's not really the main point, i just want to see how he'll look like without hair =X *tries to imagine* Urgh, I'll just have to wait for my parents to fill me in on that day itself or,I'll wait till a few weeks later,when he comes back =P It's gonna be entertaining,I think =X
It was me and you against the world @ 9:10 PM
Monday, January 07, 2008
It's been a great day!
Came really early to school to chiong homework =P A few of us started teasing Fiona about something and it was somewhat,fun =X I think it went on for practically the whole day,right Fiona?
Haha,i'm given an extended deadline for my geog homework,till friday! Weehee -.- Oh well,it's not that i didn't do...just that i did it 1 question wrongly and i have to redo it -.-
Physics test! Pass or fail,i don't know.Of course i'm hoping that i'll somewhat start the year on the right track.But what i'm really really happy is, i finally get an idea on how to calculate specific heat capacity. Ssssh,don't comment. I only found out today how to go about doing it =X and for the last question,i finally got the same answer as my friends!That's something encouraging...but as for the rest of the answers,i've got no confidence =S Crossing my fingers now...
After the test, Cheryl,Fiona and I went to get our bags. I wonder what would the reaction be to some, i think it's pretty obvious. They'll go..." LAME...!" Oh well !=D
I want to sleep currently,but i've got homework to do =S
Memories can be a pain at times.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:08 PM
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I'm so tired.Yawn.
It's been such a long day. Everything started really early today,6+ am till 6+ pm...can't help but feel like dozing off during combines in the studio. Even before lunch, i already wanted to make a trip to
lala land... It rained practically the whole afternoon,till evening? The weather was cool,since morning.
Recruitment was definitely much better this year.Last year was so -.- ...The few of us finished giving out our forms within 10 minutes i think =D
Yadayada, there's gonna be a physics test on
Monday.Why can't they spare us. And of all topics,why do they have to put specific heat capacity and latent heat in...
zzz Such a p.i.t.a
Wow,why am i not surprised about what I've found out?
It was me and you against the world @ 9:28 PM
Friday, January 04, 2008
I kind of lost my mood to blog now. Pffffft.
Anyway, school is as per normal. Yeah, i don't have to elaborate.
Band. Jessica's back in band FINALLY! Happy to have her back in the section. Seems like everyone in the section's coming back,our section's attendance shot up to 20/24 from like a miserable 10+ or even sometimes,10 and below during the holidays....even the band's attendance was so good yesterday. We'll be working towards a common matter what.
Not going to continue elaborating,bye.
The drive .
It was me and you against the world @ 6:37 PM
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
First day of school...let's see.
I woke up at 5.45 am! Early right?! Slept at like ,don't know what time...probably close to 1am?Cause i just couldn't fall
alsleep. I wanted to like get to school earlier but my plans as such are always RUINED by....
never mind.
Got to school and I was astonished to see my seating arrangement. =.= Got pretty agitated =X Can't help it
luh...i think my ear drums will like burst or something this year especially when there's constant
yakking and complains made by ____ ____.
Omg la, she complains like there's no tomorrow when she gets offended by something/someone and she thinks she's really soft while doing it when it's completely the opposite. =S Good thing is, Belinda and
Jiamin's sitting in front of me, the lame crappy ones are by
Fiona's left (
I'm sitting with
Fiona) i guess things aren'
t that bad...
Teachers! Form teacher's Ms
chen. Bye bye Ms
wong =X Actually Ms Wong's fine la... oh well. Most of the teachers taught us before...but
gah! They changed our Chinese teacher and I don't like it.
Pffffttt. I prefer last year's one.
Many talks were given today.Aspiring?Motivating?Horrifying?Boring? All in a package. Motivating and aspiring because you know,O
level's this year and i think
everyone wants to do well yea,hard work's needed ...diligence and everything else. Horrifying because, this year's gonna be one crazy roller coaster ride. Boring because, there were talks which we've went through like for the umpteen time already.For a classic example, the assembly talk =S
I just realised i didn't see phang,wanyin,wynne, the 2B boys for the entire holidays,i think. Good to see all of them again =D
I really want to enjoy my last year in school,i'm gonna make sure i do =D
It was me and you against the world @ 11:01 PM
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Omg,school reopens tomorrow.That freaking stinks! I'm feeling nervous now,i don't know why.Maybe
i'm pricked by some guilty conscience.
Errr, well you see... my homework's not really completed yet =p
Today i had a fun time out.Met
Xiaojia first,while the rest came much later and we had dinner together.
Xiaojia got hooked onto Jessica's
PSP,playing audition. -.- Everywhere she goes,her eyes were glued to the
PSP and she even borrowed it home to continue. Felt so much at ease with them around =D
You know,my brother's friends are like all in his room now...playing away.How
cool's that?Why?Because they don't have to go to school tomorrow! Like,
wth. Oh well,anyway there isn't much time left for my brother to enjoy...he's getting enlisted into N.S like really really really soon. Before my birthday! =S
Countdown at marina yesterday was.... .... i don't know how to describe. Boring perhaps. Stoned like for 1 and half hours at esplanade waiting for the fireworks. But after seeing the fireworks,i thought the stoning was worth it. Yesterday was a really quiet day...for me that is. Spoke less than 10 sentences during the night...and my
handphone's battery just had to die like,right after it struck 12am.But at least i sent out my new year
msgs to friends,so I'm happy =D Before that i was shopping with Fiona.
Okay...the thought of going to school sends shivers down my spine. I can imagine the teachers stressing us on
o'levels already...oh dear!
It was me and you against the world @ 10:03 PM