Friday, June 29, 2007
Yesterday was a tiring day.
Had to fall in at 3pm and Jiamin,Beatrice and I proceeded to give out uniform parts. When it came to the last checking at 6,it was chaotic. Went around to check when i heard "instruments up!" and the next moment i found myself being hit by a tuba on the head.Ouch! I hope i become smarter after that hard knock,haha...and not otherwise.
Rehearsals at the stadium went okay... it kinda brought back those moments we had on that very field last year ^^ Did what we were supposed to do and then went back to school at about 9pm.
Left school at 9+pm,close to 10pm.
Some of the non-band members got tickets from us to go to the stadium tomorrow.To be precise,all the football watch Australia match or something. To those who want tickets,i'm sorry...i gave out all my extra tickets to friends,try other band members.However,i might actually have extra tickets...that is if my parents aren't interested to go down to the staidum to watch football matches =p You can check with me later though =)
It was me and you against the world @ 3:48 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I LOVE WEDNESDAYS!^^You know why?Because lessons are rather slack (-: The day started off with 2 periods of CE. Financial literacy. I faired badly in the quiz given,haha! Chemistry lessons were okay...and came physics.One period only hence it was okay.I kinda not like physics. It's not about the teacher lah,just that the subject itself is very boring and 'dry'.
Recess! Was with my usual gang of course. Next up,additional maths.She got really pissed for the first time =( Chinese lessons we watched some really old show at first and then we switched to this japanese love story kinda show.It seems nice=) we'll be watching it again on friday while weilaoshi continues his oral practice session.
Assembly.I don't get it...of course i know their purpose of arranging the performance is to expose us to wider ranges of stage art and different enthnic cultures and whatsoever...but why bother when you know we're not interested in such opera performances?Right,lol? I don't know what was the whole storyline about today's performance,i just sat watching for the sake of watching. I reckon it's about some two unhappy guys wanting to kill each other for god knows what reason. They kept playing with their...erm,weapons(?) and going in rounds and rounds and finally gives a pose.What next?Oh,they continued fighting and probably after 2987453256 years of fighting,one decides to just die and make things easier to settle?Hooray!! End of the feud.World peace =) Okay okay,maybe i don't know how to appreciate don't listen to me.I'm just crapping ^^
Sectionals after school. Laughed a lot,shan't mention why though.Rehearsal tomorrow,we'll be leaving school like only 6pm?
It was me and you against the world @ 7:51 PM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I'm very tired.
Slept late last night because i was reading through oral chinese notes.Good girl right?But good news is, my oral date is on 11th july.WOOHOO!Still got time to practise. As it is, i was first to be tested by Wei Lao Shi today and i think i made a teeny weeny improvement.At least i wasn't then-ing in the conversation anymore =)
We had physics for the first two periods in the morning.I almost KO-ed,my eyelids were closing.We did nothing but workbook questions for that 1 hour and 10 minutes.During chemistry all us of brightened up a little because Mrs Chee was her usual lame self.
Oh dear.Our new math teacher is damn strict,as so it seems.She doesn't look like one who has a sense of humour.I don't think i even saw a smile from her today.Probably she was pissed at my class for being so noisy?She should relax,seriously.Frowning needs more muscles...chill.
Band.Did the normal. Full dress rehearsal on thursday at national stadium.Dismissal at 9pm. The real thing on Saturday. Jiayou everyone ^^
Maybe i should just go to sleep soon yea?Gawd,we had a long day...
It was me and you against the world @ 9:32 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
First day back at school was...okay?
Change of timetable.It's good and bad. Like today, we had geography in the last two periods instead of the usual !=) I certainly prefer it that way. Bad: On some days,we'll be having 4 periods of science lessons straight.Like 2 periods of chemistry and then followed by 2 periods of physics.I'll be science-ified.And there's this day whereby we'll be having 3 periods of english lessons in a cool's that man.Thank god they aren't arranged back to back but separated or else, i think i will be walking out of the classroom like a walking corpse.
New teachers. Oh! We'll be having Mrs Tey as our Co-form teacher,besides Ms Wong of course ^^WEEHEE!! And we'll be having a new E maths teacher,Mrs Foo. I just saw her just now and she looks pretty strict =p but if she's otherwise,i can't be bothered.Okay,actually i should start to get more serious in my work...yea i will try.
New additions . Haha,deku must be damn happy. You want to know why?Bleah,don't tell you xD I can't believe SHE'S back. Good luck to whichever class she goes to but she better not come to mine. I don't want answers like "because there's not enough shit to go around" to questions raised. Damn,it's a miracle how we actually manage to survive and pass that certain subject last year. She didn't even allow us to check our answers for god sake and she even flared up because so many of us wanted to check our answers with her and get more marks.Oh and not to mention about the the threat she issued about the deduction of marks.SO unreasonable!
Feeling rather tired and it's only the FIRST day back at school. It's only the first day and we were all so busy already like having after school busy i skipped lunch as busy i didn't even have a short break after school curriculum lessons.Oh,and there's chemistry quiz tomorrow.GOSH! & chinese oral olevels starts this thursday.Wish me luck.
I want my holidays back...
It was me and you against the world @ 5:14 PM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Don't want to go back to
school.I'm not even a wee bit excited about school's reopening.Dont't ask why because i don't know either. I like staying at home to stone. I prefer making trips down to school
once in awhile.I hate having to wake up at 6am everyday.
I want to sleep till 12pm everyday like what i've been doing this holiday.
I don't want to walk up those stairs and into the classroom whereby a whole lot of things awaits for me.
I don't feel like attending one lessons after another.
I hate it when i can't get myself to focus.
I hate it when i want to sleep and i can't in class.
I hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it!!!
I've got uncompleted homework still left to be done and tomorrow's the reopening of school,how cool is that?
DAMN.I hate having to experience monday school blues.
It was me and you against the world @ 2:11 PM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Woohoo!! I'm back home.
i'll be in comfort of my
aircon, being able to have a proper nice warm shower, a proper bed and just some very good sleep(= how did the camp go you might ask?Let's say it went alright. I was busy busy busy!For all three days in camp,
jiamin,and i had to deal with loads of stuff like the sec ones' uniform parts. We needed and had one very good helper.Meet our new temporary 'UM' for the past two days in camp-
Xiaojia cum current QM. Yes,she helped us a lot in the past two days.
Day OneIn the morning we had a marching session. Marched around the
carpark area to the back of the A-D block a couple of times and i must say it did wake me up a little. We went to the soon after.Thank god we decided to take our shoes off because at one part of the field it was muddy.Sad case for those who didn't =( I was in the food committee for the camp together with
jinpei and
indah. Since it was the first time we did this kind of things,i was a little lost but soon got gist of it and it's pretty fun.
OMG,can you believe it...
Kangwei knows how to boil water using the kettle
lah and i didn't know how to =,=' (
Sheesh!Don't comment,
haha) I just didn't know we needed to turn those switches on the kettles,no big deal! =p After lunch
jiamin and I together with
mdm rozy had to sort out the sec ones' uniforms parts. After dealing with the sec ones and their uniforms for the whole afternoon,i came out of the instrument room looking like a lobster,a boiled one( As commented by someone). We had night games and the day ended after that.
Lights out-
Day twoWe meddled with the sec ones'(but with
xiaojia this time,we needed more help because there was a lot to do) beret for practically the ENTIRE day. I don't think we did much drills because of that. In the morning we did the feathers and citation cords. We started sewing the feathers,guards and
musician badges in the afternoon till 6+pm. In the midst of it,we pricked our fingers a couple of times each.
Night walk was fun! I got to scare people and my partner in "crime" was
shuwen. Both of us stationed ourselves near the
PCCG room waiting for our"victims' .We had makeup done to our faces,hands,arms and legs(for mine,it was proudly done by
xj) and with our hair covering our the dark. Soon the first group arrived and we made some scream (=. The second group to arrive was my camp group and i was looking out for
tiffany but she didn't appear so i thought she backed out of the whole thing. More groups came and some of them were jokers. I tried hard not to laugh.For example, my sec2 section juniors came along and those two were really jokers.One came,saw me and went,"eh...
i'm your
ZzzZzzzZzzz They're supposed to be terrified of me can?!
LOL. I managed not to laugh when
jessica was at my station,
weehee! Then Tiffany came with another group and greeted me with,"hi
ZZzZzzZzZz and when she left..."bye
cheryl!" Then came
emelynn. While i was acting my role and talking,she laughed at me
ZZzZZzzzZZz tsk tsk,obviously she wasn't scared.Ha.But
i've got to say
shuwen was pretty good.She not only managed to scare our members off but also some other
CCA members.I shan't name this girl but damn,it was funny.Apparently she wanted to walk towards the staffroom area but when she saw us,with our hair and everything she stopped.
Shuwen proceeded to walk towards her ( i think) and guess what happened.That girl practically screamed and ran as far and as fast as she could.Gawd, i had a good laugh man.
Actually looking back, i think just by looking at
shuwen yesterday night is enough to freak me out in that setting. We had a hard hard time trying to get the makeup off us...especially those made with lipstick.
Lights out-
Third DayI snoozed my alarm till 7 am in the morning when it went off at 6am. I guess everyone was just damn tired and i was too...considering the fact some of us had to wake up at 5+am the day before. I thought we had to fall in at 7.30am so i tried to wake tiffany up (we were in the same group thus in the same dorm). She damn style, i nudged her and told her it was already 7am.Obviously i did that to wake her up but she barely opened her eyes and went back to sleep again,completely ignoring me.Okay...then i found out we would only have to fall in at 8am.
We proceeded on with our berets again and other stuffs for the whole day.WEE!& we completed them (=
Lala~~ fast forward.
Break camp-6pm
Now with camp over it's time to worry over homework. I didn't have the time to do any homework in camp at all!ARGH!!
Tomorrow must rush through them >,<
It was me and you against the world @ 9:53 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I'll be away in band camp (:I'll be back on friday and guess what,i'll be bringing my homework along. Cool eh?
Haha,adios!In that last bus ride...
It was me and you against the world @ 4:39 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Zouk's performance yesterday was alright i guess. Loads of people came.The compound's really nice and pretty and we managed to catch a glimpse of
Phuture too,actually we were held there =)Jealous?Well...don't be.
After we came back from school,
tiffany and i headed towards
hongkong cafe to have dinner.Belinda couldn't come along but nevertheless we still hitched a ride there in her dad's car ^^We more or less had a really good meal there and
after which we went home.
The day's event aside...
i've been racking my head on how to start writing my
english composition and
i've planned to write on this topic-Life's Pleasure;inspired by most recent events.
To you,what do you actually consider life's pleasure as?It might be anything but to me,I would consider being able to spend ample time with your loved ones,to be loved by them and just being able to live in that warmth and comfort as my personal life's pleasure.What's yours?
I've learnt to treasure all these in a very different way.I've been thinking a lot but i was told not to so i wouldn't feel too sad.But i think looking back on what has happened is inevitable and feeling sad is just a part of the whole journey through the past memories.I never thought letting go would be this difficult.
It was me and you against the world @ 1:06 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Feeling kinda lazy to blog but since someone wants me to do it,i shall =) Am i nice or what?HA.
Firstly, damn. I can't converse in a proper chinese oral conversation for nuts! I find it SO SO hard to get a proper sentence that's logically correct in chinese and having it's sentence structure right as well. I lack vocabulary,simply because i don't read chinese books nor newspapers....basically i don't read chinese characters besides the textbooks! I've got to think really really hard to find word/phrase substitutes in chinese after i transfer the phrase/word from english to chinese at times. I get mental blocks somehow on how to continue on the topic given to me. I'm in deep deep trouble.What am i supposed to do??!!! Chinese O level oral is in the 1st week of july and it's 40 freaking marks! You bet i'm panicking now, i don't want to drop higher chinese after like what...5 years of taking it?It's so not worth it. Oh and did i mention, i was told that i speak the language like a foreigner =,='.Like that's gonna help me to boost my morale. Since wanyin needs to improve on her english and me on my chinese,we both agreed on this: From now on,i will be either speaking to wanyin or replying to her in chinese while she does everything in the opposite,in english. I wonder if we'll abide to it,it's kinda difficult,knowing US=D
We kinda had a small chat with Ms Lim(A.B) and gawd,she still remembers me.She asked us on our recent oral marks and for a moment i thought she was going to 'kill' the both of us somehow but phew,she didn't.She's pretty nice actually,really...sincerely. But her pet phrases like " Ni gei wo chao ke wen!"still haunts me once in a blue moon.& so she advised us to go through the notebook we used to copy down her lesson notes and stuff but honestly speaking,i don't really remember where the book is now or even if i did copy down oral notes.Did we even go through tips for oral last year?Haha.
After the oral business was done, smarty pants wanyin came up with this idea of going to this bustop whereby we both could wait together but at the same time taking different buses. Guess what, on the way there i missed 3 buses that i could take to go home and after we reached ,barely 10 minutes into waiting and wanyin's bus came.She left me stranded alone for a couple of much for waiting together
WANYIN.Okay okay...joking =p
Woo...gotta reach school pretty early tomorrow. A couple of us are involved in ZOUK'S Granado Espada event,hehe. Uhuh uhuh,we'll be going to zouk...that's right=) & we'll be wearing our full outdoor uniform =p
Adios,shall talk about it tomorrow when i get back ^^
It was me and you against the world @ 10:52 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
It's been a pretty tiring day.I don't know,I just feel like visiting dreamland like....right this instant?
Okay i made an exception today, which was to drag myself out of bed at 8am in the morning??!! So darn early,
i've yet to finish touring dreamland.Normal tour ends at 12 pm,lame~ Made my way down to school-
zouk rehearsal. We kinda finalised what we were going to play there and added on some gimmicks.I bet i looked like a retard doing some of the gimmicks spastic-
ly in the morning,
Up next,a whole lot of us went down to PP Giant to 'shop' with Mr
Kang. We did
embarassing stuffs (excluding
mr kang of cause,
haha).Belinda and
Xiaojia kept 'bullying' me at one point of time,i shouldn't have told them where my weakest point was. Oh,we cam-
whored too...with
jiamin! =)
After our "shopping spree" was done,headed back towards school but settled down in Video World to chat.Hung around until it was time to go home.On the bus ride home with
Belinda,we met this really weird-in-behaviour guy who initially sat right
in front of me. He kept turning back...looking to the back of the bus for god knows what reason(maybe got
Lol,i didn't notice...) I was trying to mind my own business,flipping the magazine in my hands rather uncomfortably.Certainly you don't expect me to stare at him right, so darn creepy alright!& hey,didn't your parents told you not to stare at others,it's rude to do so =) Gee, Belinda and I kept looking at each other,both trying to figure out this guy's behaviour whereby finally and thankfully,the guy decided to turn his head back.Now what did we do?Run for our lives!!Ha,no la...we merely changed seats to somewhere further back,away from that queer guy. From there,we further observed him.Now this was what he did later on: Turns his head to again stare at some unidentified object probably,turns his head back but smiles at the mother and son sitting next to him while doing so( i wonder if they freaked out), stands up and looks down at the flight of staircase occasionally,oh...and he dug his nose
several times.Interesting? Ha.
Hmm...okay,enough of queer behaviours.I'm going back to finish my freaking holiday homework.And wish me luck for tomorrow's chinese oral practice with weilaoshi...i hope i won't hem and haw.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:09 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
As you can see,i did not blog for the last two days.Why? Simply because there was nothing much to blog about but not that i have something interesting to blog about today as well.
I'm really envious of those that are going overseas or already are overseas,seems so much fun. & still, i don't want school to reopen!! Okay,like anybody does...but seriously barely 2 weeks till school reopens,damn. I
tried to complete some homework yesterday but sad to say not even one was completed. URGH.
Did i mention I've been waking up at only 12pm recently.Yeah, look at all the joy school's gonna take away from me.Simply frustrating.
Homework list EnglishComprehensionsSummaryComposition
Higher ChineseTwo jianbaos
* Train for chinese o level oral
ChemistryRevision exercise(3/4 done)
Some other worksheet(1/3 done)
PhysicsWorksheet (1/2 done)
Add mathsQuestions from TYS
Ace-learning thingy
E mathsSome portal online thingy
God bless me. I've got to finish all these before camp starts,urgh!! Total madness.
I missed that once in a lifetime chance.Why didn't i....
It was me and you against the world @ 1:14 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Two weeks of our so-called holiday,gone.Remaining: 2 weeks.
Let's see, i have not completed a single homework & no revision done. That's bad,very bad. It seems like this year's june holiday passes exceptionally fast unlike the other years. I mean,look...i bet many of you didn't realise it's the second week coming to the third week of the holidays already. Man, i don't want to go back to school.
On the brighter side,it's gonna be a free from lessons and cca week for me starting from tommorrow.for a week. Actually,not really.I've got to go back on thursday and saturday as well whereby some of us will be performing at zouk but other than that,i'm free.Band camp starts on the 20th,urgh and soon enough school reopens.Now there you go,the end of the june holidays.
I've been thinking about stuffs recently. It's been almost 3 weeks since my grandpa passed away but i still can't actually believe he's gone,it's unreal?Everything happened so quickly...It seemed merely like yesterday whereby my grandpa would used to fetch me up from kindergarden and brought me really seemed just like yesterday.Hmm,maybe i'll get over it soon enough and don't worry,i'm not emo-ing.
Oh,something random. Bet you guys have seen the new gatsby advertisement...yea,that one you know whereby you see some guy with curly hair dancing around somewhat aimlessly and with a background song which goes like ," I....can give you gatsby...gatsby...."Though i don't actually get the message about some'moving rubber' they're trying to bring across the tv viewers but hey,i kinda like the song.LOL,believe it or not the song calmed me down from my fiery mood just now =,=' whee~i can give you gatsby...lala~~
You know i can't smile without you...
It was me and you against the world @ 9:05 PM
Saturday, June 09, 2007
As much as i would
LOVE to use as much 'colourful' vocabulary ( those words used only when i'm
SUPER FREAKING PISSED OFF),i shan't, for fear of being told to contain my anger.Fine,i shall stay as freaking calm as i can as i type this post.
Let's just say this someone
RUINED my day terribly. I got scolded when i was not in the wrong, i was innocent. To be exact, i got scolded because i hurt my leg.You might go "what..?" PRECISELY! Wth!? & that person could just go on talking to others as if nothing happened and even went telling others why was i in that condition and so on.What GOOD ACTING,i wonder why this person never thought of ACTING as a career.
Thanks a lot,you've never failed to make my day so-ever
Sec4s officially stepped down today.=( We'll miss them...but they'll still be back to join us for some rehearsals and maybe even band camp for the preparation of the closing ceremony of the stadium. We kinda have performances coming up real soon.
My arms are kinda sore now and so is my left heel,there was a burning sensation on it just now. Sectionals in the morning,nothing much went on.After lunch,a couple of them left...the 'holy' ones to be exact,all had to go church,haha. & so there were only 4 sec threes left. Another left later and so there were 3 left...heh.
Uhuh, i think that's about all...yep.
It was me and you against the world @ 9:09 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
Eh...morning we were supposed to have some chinese oral lessons in the auditorium with the sec4s.I reached school at like 10.15am(??!!) because i came to school by myself today but ended up waiting till 11.30am for lessons to start.WTH.I could have stayed home later if i knew it would start at 11.30am.
Rachel,Wynne,Wanyin and I sat together for the lesson and we did really crappy stuffs.Wanyin's and Cheryl's all time favourite-BINGO!Brings me back to good old times ^^ They talked about some tips for oral and well,they even included chinese listening in it.ZZzzZZzzzzzz
After the lesson i went to find tiffany and afterwhich we headed to ViVo with a couple of others to catch a movie.The show...i found it okay.Funny parts here and there.Since the show only started at 4.50pm,we went to the arcade to play.We had fun there.
Read a couple of blogs,heh...and i'm amazed they actually posted all those stuff...oh well.We'll see how things will go in time to come.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:19 PM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I'll be lying if i said i wasn't tired.I think i can just fall asleep now.
We all had a long day and i don't think i want to elaborate what actually happened. Currently there's certain stuffs going on and i think it's really
unnecessary,sigh .
omg, kw is so damn blur. Sometimes when talking to him,you won't know whether to go crazy, laugh or just cry,serious.Up till now he doesn't know he had lost his wallet and it's with me and when i dropped a hint and made him try to guess that it's sort of a daily essential,he came up with stuffs like,shampoo,soap and other stuffs...=,=' tell me,should i now laugh,cry or go crazy.Ha, but it's pretty fun la and he's still guessing,
I'm beginning to see why some things are done that way...
It was me and you against the world @ 8:21 PM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
It's been 7 months.How time flies,eh?
At A maths lessons today.
Ms W: How do you expect your juniors to look up to you?!
Sg: With eyes.
LOL...Shigeng can be such a joker at times. After lessons today,ms wong went out for lunch with us ^^& for practically the whole of the morning,Kenneth has been pestering everyone for photos and i think he almost dislocated my shoulder or something,damn pain can!?
Yet another long day tomorrow....dark clouds dark clouds!
you're the best damn thing my eyes have ever seen
It was me and you against the world @ 10:32 PM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Okay i'm watching spell cast currently & guess what, oh my.. those primary school kids are like professionals.**thumbs up**
No dark clouds today,unfortunately but it wasn't that warm hence it's okay.
Dedication to =) :
You're one of the weirdest and nicest friend on earth!
Okay,i've done my part,do yours!
It was me and you against the world @ 8:45 PM
Monday, June 04, 2007
A week...gone.
A quarter of the 'holidays' gone,just like that.Time and tide waits for no man.Soon,the holidays would flash past us,gone in a blink of an eye.So,treasure it people. Are you guys bored at home with nothing to do at all? Well, i don't know if you guys are lucky or unlucky but you bet
I'm fully occupied this holiday =,=''
Band practice tomorrow...i hope dark clouds would overcast us again tomorrow,then maybe you'll see me smiling still even after the rigorous drills session,ha.
I want dark clouds tomorrow,whee!
Till then,
things are bound to change,trust me.
It was me and you against the world @ 6:38 PM
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Poor arms...poor poor arms,
haha. Had band practice practically the whole day. We did a lot of memorising of scores and i think my brain memory's close to its limits,
lol. Surprisingly the afternoon drills session wasn't that bad. The sky was being kind on us by overcasting dark clouds which made it not so warm,there was wind too! I had fun showing the sec2s and
Michelle how to do the instrument gimmicks,it somewhat reminded me of myself when i first started out on it.
Dinner was at this
sucky place. There was this guy at the counter with this totally irksome face. Its as if he's so unwilling to serve and take orders...if he finds it so hard then don't do it then,what's so difficult. He can't even smile and puts on this really frustrated look for god knows what reason.Maybe he knows he has a failing business,that's why.Come on,look at his neighbours booming businesses and look at his,what a far cry...blame it on the
sucky attitude he has i guess.
My phone DIED,AGAIN. This time it was really my fault la =p oh dear.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:20 PM
Friday, June 01, 2007
Maybe I'll cut this short.
Chemistry lessons in the morning,band followed after.
Drills in the afternoon left my arms weak and wobbly. Glad to say none of the sec3s and 2s fell out but still,more improvement needs to be done and that includes myself,i need to improve too.It still boils down to endurance. Whether you can keep your instruments up, how to stay focus...etc etc...Sometimes i would wonder,how we ever managed to do all those a year ago,it's kinda amazing to look back at those times. It's officially the start of outdoor again,GAH!
Dinner tonight.
Happy birthday dad. I don't know what made him want to try out Korean cuisine=,= It was kind of a interesting experience but the dinner cost a bomb as well...and i mean,A wtf...for so much "grass",as what my father calls it. The two sets of chicken my dad and mum ordered cost 20 bucks each and the proportion's really small.A can of coke costs 3 dollars.Man,that's daylight robbery.Okay,considering that dinner's at night,fine...darknight robbery!(okay...LAME.)Oh and guess what my dad actually told the chinese waitress before we left..." Ni men de cao hen gui..." OMG! In English: The "grass" you sell are really expensive. Of course he said it in a joking manner.That's my dad for you,lol...his chinese is getting better and that's bad.Why?More crap expected from him real soon.
Let the pictures do the talking.

This were actually hand should have seen how they "grew" into this size by adding water onto them...kinda cool but like wth,they're 4 dollars!

This pair of utensils were made of metal(?).Not suitable for me tonight,with the condition of my wobbly weak arms(so heavy to hold!) =,='' OH! and the chopsticks were so hard to hold...with normal chopsticks i can't even hold them properly,what more this?And that's one reason why jessica calls me spastic-because i can't hold chopsticks properly=,='

Are you wondering how we were going to finish all these up,well...i was too just now and we didn't finish them up in the end.

Look at the variety of vegetables they gave first i thought we needed rabbits to help us eat them up & my dad calls them "grass"=,='

This was how we were supposed to eat them.

This was the nicest dish i guess=)

Half of the them GONE!Not bad eh ^^

I left them alone.The kimchi cold soup on the right and some onion dish on the left.

Ha,i made this out from those vegetables we had.

Heart shaped watermelon!

I gave this to my dad,some almond thingy.
Ok i'm off to memorise scores.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:57 PM