Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I pray that...that little friend of mine would be fine. He has been my bestest friend ever since i was 4 years old. He isn't eating fine and he looks so sad.Today before leaving house while playing with him,it dropped a tear infront of me and suddenly i felt as if my heart was shattering into pieces. I couldn't help but start to think about what would happen to me in the future if he's gone so i started to tear when leaving the house. I love him so much probably more than anyone else. I regret neglecting it sometimes when he was by my side yet i didn't really notice his existence. I guess all he wants is just a little affection from me and yet i wasn't there to give it to him. Sometimes when i had no one to turn to, i would just tell him all my frustrations and pour my feelings out to him. He seemed to understand what i say at times though he can't say anything,i feel a little more comforted sometimes.Please let him be fine...please let him be in the pink of health...please let him be happy...please don't take him away from me until i'm ready to let him go...
I just couldn't stop thinking about all these stuffs during school. I believe he will be fine.From today onwards,i promise to spend as much time as i can with him.If no one showers him with love and affection,i will.
It was me and you against the world @ 5:41 PM
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Yesterday was damn stressful for me. I was so worried over Add-maths because i had truckloads of things i couldn't understand.Yeah and i had very little time to study for SS and Addmaths. I think i almost couldn't take it,at one point of time while revising addmaths,nothing went right,nothing went through my head.Suddenly i just forgot all past concepts and so i went doing something which i always do,PANIC! I dropped my maths books aside and decided to focus on SS.That was already at 10pm. Studied all the way till like 11.30pm till i finally could get some sleep.Plan: To wake up at 4.30am to revise through maths again( Wanyin was supposed to wake me up by calling my hp,but the call never came.=,=" you should know what happened to her...ZZZZzzZZZZzz) Anyways,i did set my hp alarm but i guess unknowingly i went to snooze the alarm when it went off so i woke up at 5am.Still early though,for me. On the way to school/in school it was totally crazy.I tried to cramp it last minute stuffs like how to write the SS essay which i totally don't have an idea of,i think i almost broke down.Wth,why do we lead such stressful lives?
After the tests...there were a few questions that i didn't know how to do in maths...SS was okay...actually it was crazy.Cramping in 2 source based questions and one essay in 45 minutes ain't a joke to fool around with.I ended off the essay with the word "chaotic" and guess what, i think my state of handwriting was really chaotic through out=pUrgh,we NEVER get to miss english lessons at all during common tests period. Today he went through the level test comprehension's correction for the SECOND TIME again.Gosh...Anyway tomorrow we're gonna receive our Hmt papers.I bet i'll fail,kinda normal. I think I'll fail 3 papers out of all common tests papers.THAT'S VERY BAD. I think it'll break all my records*sighs*
Last paper tomorrow.Add oil!=)
It was me and you against the world @ 6:37 PM
Monday, February 26, 2007
I have the bad feeling i'm not going to do well for this common tests.Look so far i've screwed up 3 out of the 5 papers. Physics paper WAS BAD BAD BAD. I'm like so disappointed in myself? If only god could help me remember how i studied for exams when i was in secondary one,it'll be good.
I went crazy during recess. Maybe you can call it self-comforting.Yiguan,tiffany and I went hi-5-ing the moment we made the same mistake in the physics test,i can't remember how many but you just got you know,MANY. I can't get the gist of doing physics,for some reason. Addition maths tomorrow + social studies. Good luck to me...i'll need loads of it. T.T
What's the freaking problem here!!It's not as if i didn't study for my exams but the outcome of always seem undesirable.Wth,it kills my motivation to study & i think i might go into the depression mode if this persists throughout the year.
I think i might go crazy soon
It was me and you against the world @ 5:18 PM
Saturday, February 24, 2007
You know,i've been thinking about my current school life recently. Actually, I feel quite empty sometimes. I feel so lost. Where are all my best pals?They're all in a different class from me. Although all of us do meet up during recess and whenever where ever possible,it still feels different from previous years. To be honest,i miss A LOT of last year.
I miss...
Sitting with wanyin. I don't know how we managed to tolerate each other's nonsense and i managed to tolerate her weird character but look! I've pulled through!English lessons were sure boring last year but we did funny stuffs like playing bingo and squirking water from her bottle at each other to keep ourselves awake.However i guess even if she sits next to me this year,feeling sleepy during english is inevitable no matter what you do. Try going through a certain thing more than ONCE in class...yea.
The 7 of them. I don't know,just hanging out with all of them seem to make everything so fun.Chinese lessons just rocked so much,the teacher rocked too! This year,with only the two of us and our chinese class being not-as-lively as last year's, lessons were always boring.Exam periods-i still remember that depressing period last year,i pulled through... and one of the reasons being because i had THEM.They cheered me on,encouraged me through those difficult times.Gosh i can't remember how many countless smses guan MAMA sent me when i was on the verge of giving up.Oh,wanyin too...T.T Oh and...not forgetting the group studies we all had!Commoner2 and Queen are all crappy people as well. Always say i A.C.A.D... Chok was crappy also as well,remembering her KSW craze,GOSH! Siang was nice to be with,too la,everybody's nice!I don't know how long we'll be able to maintain such kind of relationship with each other but i hope we'll last as long we stay as friends?Like commoner2 said,she's proud of being commoner2 while I am proud to be part of the royalty clan.Rock on all of you!Love ya all! I'm still thankful the 12 of us still exchange greetings and smses with each other,be it in school or where ever.YEP!
My current class is great too!My partner is nice too.I just find some stuff missing,causing such emptiness within me and probably the reason why my classmates constantly commented that i look EMO. Maybe a little time will do the work, let time do the necessary adjustments.
I'm no longer as happy,something's lacking but what?
It was me and you against the world @ 9:36 PM
Friday, February 23, 2007
Urgh. Damn it. Today's papers were not good. English paper...CRAP!I think i mixed up my tenses??!I hope my argument will pull through?It better. Higher Chinese...EVEN CRAPPIER. C'mon, i don't even understand the passage and the questions are like ALL inference sort of questions. Zzz...the only thing that's comforting currently is that i found the E math paper rather okay.Phew, the subject which i was worrying over the most became the most comforting one and the other two became sort of a nightmare.4 more days of common tests to go, add oil everyone!Omg,i've got a new idol. My tuition teacher and I were chatting over dramas during lessons on wednesday. It's totally crazy...and she says i'm too crazy.Omg...can't help but to feel excited when it comes to that topic.BLEAH. I'll be missing the show today again since i'll be having tuition in like another 15 minutes?However,with the existence of you-tube,no worries!=)
Have fun mugging everyone!
It was me and you against the world @ 6:15 PM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Yesterday's bbq cum steamboat was rather okay i guess. Lots of laughter and everything.Oh before that elenna and i went for shopping with aunty fe at vivo.One thing bad about vivo: The place is so big that when you regret not buying something earlier on and then change your mind later,you've got to walk ALL the way back to shop which sometimes you've got no idea where it is. Lesson learnt: Not to be fickle minded,it seriously doesn't help at all.Urgh,i think i'll just show you the pictures,pictures can tell a thousand words can't they?So here they are!
Dinner time.
NEVER EVER put them together for too long,they simply can't stop laughing and giggling.
Sitting on top of the skating ring.
All of them were feeling warm,taking paper plates to fan themselves while my brother was telling us about nightwalk and some hilarious experiences he had.
Over the at the bridge....
Where were with we??Hmm...
Magnificent view from vivo.
Playing with water at vivo's rooftop.
Cam whoring~~ Elenna and I
Friday's photos
Oh dear,Xj has flowers growing on her back & bag.
Ha,read this. It's okay...ever heard of young at heart?=)
This was what we were doing.Can you see?Btw, that's Xj.
It was me and you against the world @ 4:12 PM
Monday, February 19, 2007
Anyone wants to look at the time i blogging at now?Yes,it's 2.30 am in the morning and here i am blogging! LOL.Reason being...i stayed up to watch the show!!=) I promise this will be the last part i'll be watching for now.^,^
Today's visiting....oh wrong,YESTERDAY'S visiting was...argh..bearable i guess. First went to my grandfather's house(dad's side) in the morning and then later my grandmother's(mum's side) house and then my uncle's house(mum's side). I was totally bored,that's one thing i dread most about visiting my relatives' houses.Firstly, almost all my cousins ARE BOYS(mum's side)...with only one of them being a girl...that's primary one this year.Yea...right...what am i suppose to do with a primary one kid?Actually there's three other female cousins but...they usually visit my grandmother in the morning,so no chance to meet them.For all you know,i don't know all their names-distant cousins i guess=p Ok,so i just sat on the couch watching some lame stupid variety show and then later falling asleep on it.That must have been the work of watching the drama till in the wee hours of the morning yesterday=( .
I woke up soon after and well, my cousins and my brother were all busy playing in one of the rooms. Yeah and soon,three of my younger cousins all came out.To my horror,i realise the oldest of the three,justin has changed totally.More mischievious definitely...bullying his other younger cousins.ZZzzZZzz Well while i just sat down there watching them or dozing in and out of dreamland.That all happened in my uncle's house. Stayed there for a couple of hours and then went back to my grandmother's house again.That was yesterday.
Today. Well,glad to say this time,my relatives' are coming to MY house.Phew...mum's holding a bbq cum steamboat session. Invited a few friends over and before that i'll be off shopping probably at vivo...that is IF it's even open.Yep...a loooooooooong day ahead. Now here's something that makes no sense.Why even put common tests right after the break when they know students wouldn't have time to study at all?It's like all the time's used up for's a break for us to enjoy! Oh and not to mention,the homework the teachers gave us...urgh,whatever!!
It was me and you against the world @ 2:31 AM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year everyone!
Omg...i spent my dad watching this drama show,i'm totally hooked on to it.I think i'm gonna be blown off my feet soon. SO SWEET!!=)OMG!! Yea, i'm totally crazy and i'm smiling to myself currently.=,=" One of the character seems so much like....o.....m....g. =)
Well had reunion lunch over at my house today.Yea, i spent my whole morning watching the show and my whole afternoon.Had to stop because i had to go for reunion dinner over at my uncle's house. After i came back, i went back to watching the show up till now! Gah, Tiffany and Ryan just reminded me about common tests when i told them i was watching the show.What a spoiler! Why put common tests right after the chinese new year break when they know students wouldn't have the time to study?GAH! Oh well, i think i shall bring my notes to study at my relatives' house tomorrow.=(
Once again, happy chinese new year to everyone!May you have a great year ahead.=) Now,i shall go watch another 3 parts of the show before i drift off to dreamland,cya!
It was me and you against the world @ 1:08 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007
Yet another new blogskin since my friends told me my blog was kinda lagging after i changed to the previous skin.Oh well...
Choices! Skating was quite fun i guess...but i fell twice! Ouch... Oh something happened which is kinda stupid and lame. Ok, it started like this.My pe t-shirt was tucked out and i was putting my school uniform on the table when i heard" Cheryl,come here." It was from the DM. I was like.."oh it because of shirt and how the hell did she know my name?" So i innocently went over to her...then she gave me this puzzled look and asked,"you are called cheryl?Then who's the other one there?"**points to a different direction** I thought she was referrring to fiona or maybe the other cheryl from my class but then just when i turned back,the secondary four cheryl came and stood infront of the wth??!! What a i excused myself and ran away.Yiguan sitting over at another table laughing at me and saying how blur i was...but like how was i suppose to know...right?How embarassing man...
Did our was pretty okay. Oh,the tentative indoor group list is already out and glad to say,most of us clarinetists are in!Jiayou for next few weeks everyone=)The lion dance was boring,not as exciting as previous years. The few of us proceeded to PP to grab a bite,i was starving,everyone was. In PP...haha...i think we kinda embarassed ourselves.You'll get what i mean when i upload the photos.Yea...shopped around and then we all headed back home.
In the afternoon i went to make my I.C. Crap....i think my photo that i will be using for my I.C looks very spastic.Argh!!!! And it i'll be using this card until 30 yrs old??!! Argh!!(2x)
My left arm is aching but i have no idea why.ZzzZzzz
I just recalled those times again today...
It was me and you against the world @ 6:21 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy valentine's day!!
Secondary school life is really fun...I mean on such occasions,you'll see your classmates,school peers giving out goodies and flowers to their friends and classmates...unlike in primary school,valentine's day is nothing. P.S: Thanks to all those who gave me stuffs,love ya all!Woa,my dad got my mum a bouquet of flowers,so sweet!Great job done eh,dad!=D
I thought today was gonna be the worst day of all. I was pretty much nervous throughout the day but nothing happened at all. I feel rather bad towards a certain someone for getting him/her into such situation =( I'm sorry.
Maybe we'll get screwed tomorrow,good luck to us then!
How did you spend this day....i wonder....
It was me and you against the world @ 9:47 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
I'm home finally after a long day in school.Phew! Gosh,it's damn warm in class nowadays...unlike in the beginning of the year whereby i needed my jacket practically everyday to shield me from the relatively cool weather.Even when i sit under the fan,i still feel warm.=,=" During the last two periods i was getting rather moody cause the heat was killing me also,seeing the secondary ones walking out of their classes and making their way home made me SO JEALOUS and well because of another thing. Laughed a lot in class today thanks saiful.Crappy guy who keeps saying i look EMO.
After lessons finally ended which i was delightfully waiting for, freedom....AS IF. I still had remedial to attend to at 3pm,which was barely 20 minutes away. I was still brooding over whether to take PW or NOT.Trust me,I had this really really hard time struggling whether to take PW or not until 5.30pm...which i decided not to.OMG,belinda and I were asking people for their opinions,flipping coins,receiving calls from tiffany...discussing among ourselves and we still could not make the decision. Out of all the times we flipped the coin,majority of them were 'heads' which actually meant we should take PW.But like what i told belinda,no matter how many times we flip the coin,we would still end up brooding whether to take PW or not. Finally,we decided to approach Ms Yap for more help and consultation but guess what,she was not in the HoD room.Ha,it's fate i think,PW?We're not fated.I don't know if there'll be a change of mind tomorrow since xiaojia seems really keen on doing but belinda and I are more on the 'not to do' side.Somehow i got pyscho-ed by a lot of people not to do project work.Basically i've got many worries if i were to do PW like wheter i would be able to cope with the work load...but then again i'm afraid i'll regret seeing my friends going for the field trip and having so much fun and enjoying such wonderful experience and fun which i could have experienced myself too. Belinda has the exact same plight as me. Oh dear....will we regret?
After which i had to make my way home on my own since my mum's car broke down(??!!)ZzzZZzz.Ok i was not alone, got yingcong to take the same bus home as me=) I hate being left alone...i mean who loves it but yea,I HATE being left alone.Studied for the quiz on the way home,hope i do well cause darn it,i've not been performing well recently.='(
It no longer feels that bad anymore....
It was me and you against the world @ 6:21 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
For the first time in days,i've managed to spent 3/4 of it without being emo or moody.Congratulate me!Bleah. practise.Practised under the rotunda...and then sectionals. Just when sectionals was about to end,the student conductors came to test us on one of our com piece. Everyone was nervous,i screwed up big time. I didn't follow the timing given to me...='( It all the same la,everytime when its time for me to play THAT part,i felt as if my heart was gonna appear in my mouth anytime and i always screw up. =,='' Went for lunch after that, xiaojia,michelle and i were all "depressed" supposedly because of the test.HAHA. So we went interlocking arms and went "rioting" like"home sweet home!Home sweet home!..." & " we are depressed!We are depressed!" all the way till we reached caltex. I think we almost drove JJ and alison crazy.=)Oh,and today's sky was very nice. It's been a long time since i last saw such magnificent sight,i just had to get a picture of it and yea..i did!So did michelle.
The rest of the afternoon...pretty much like last saturday's.
I just added a new song at the side panel.That song reminds me so much of....shan't elaborate.I think it's rather soothing but a little sad...listen to it=)
It was me and you against the world @ 9:20 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
Pictures of the day:
Happy together!
The Emo picture.
O levels results were out seniors are all SO SMART! 6 points...9 points...10....and the list goes on.My cousin got like 9 points!?Somehow like tiffany,i feel so motivated to study and do well now.HAHA >,<
After the o level results, went down to slack at the canteen and to wait for my mum as well. I was suppose to go for my long over-dued (but i postponed it to this week,deadline:today) appointment but i didn't go again and postponed it do what?I went out with my section mates.HA...initially we wanted to go to bugis but since we were running out of time and belinda and kangwei were supposed to be back at school by 5.30pm,we went to kallang to eat instead. Its totally crap there la. Belinda was as usual laughing her heads was being made fun of by her classmates whom we met them at kfc and kangwei was just being his usual schizo-self making all us laugh. Sometimes i wonder...i think i got the weirdest,funniest,lamest section mates ever,which is somehow a very good thing.
Rushed back for tuition,just 5 minutes before my tuition arrived.I'm punctual=)Asked the teacher to cut down tuition by half an hour cause i was extremely eyelids were heavy -.-ZZzzZZzzz
& i'm still stuck in this dilemma on whether to do or not to do project work.We formed a group,all band members.I'm very afraid that i'll not be able to cope with the work load...and i'm not quite sure my main purpose for doing this,if its just pure interest or if it's because of the field trip to overseas.I think its half half.Asked my dad for advice and what he said really made a lot of sense...thus i'm unable to make a decision.Consulted teacher's for advice...and i'm still unable to make a decision!It's really tempting but then again i'm afraid i wouldn't be able to cope.Sheesh,anyone...some advice please?
The flame gets dimmer and dimmer...
It was me and you against the world @ 9:04 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
I can't stand it anymore!What is wrong with me?I get freaking pissed/moody sometimes for no rhyme or reason...i get upset very easily.Note to myself:Cut it out man,its time to get out of this emotional wreck.Stay happy,be happy & take things easy.
Today's rollerblading lesson was fun.The instructors were all very nice and funny=) OMG.I've got so many people i know in rollerblading. Let see who yea? Tiffany,wynne,rachel,yiguan,arina,yingcong,ruizi,sharir,kangwei,cheryl,fiona,huiwen + 2 others .A lot right? >,<>
PW...i'm in a dilemma.Should i take or should i not? To be honest,i hate doing powerpoints,research and everything.I'm only interested in the field trips,outdoor stuffs...etc.I want to take the one on the rainforest but then again...argh i don't know! I asked tiffany and she's like me...what am i suppose to do?& tomorrow's the deadline i think..... ='(
i HATE english lessons.Yes, for the first time in my life i hate english lessons to the core.I almost fell alseep in his lessons today again....Well and other lessons are boring too!! I've got to work harder for my grades...i'm neither here nor there and common tests are coming! I'm not concentrating hard enough,just the other day i fell asleep during chinese class for like 5-10 minutes( & i really mean SLEEP) and woke up only when my chinese textbook dropped off the table.MY FIRST EVER TIME SLEEPING IN CLASS,SERIOUS! =p My tuition teacher told me once that geting scoldings from the teacher,sleeping during lessons,friends etc are just part and parcel of school life which would also make school more fun.LOL.Oh and i'm so gonna flunk the english narrative...ever since last year,i've been running out of ideas on how to write compositions.ZZzzzZZzzz
Band.Moody in the beginning,crazy when it was ending...all thanks to tiffany!Make me laugh so much.....ZzzZzzz
It feels like its fading,then again i don't know.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:11 PM
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Freak.I don't know what the hell's wrong with me,serious. I've been very moody and emotional for the past few days or maybe even weeks! I don't think its just moodswings now...there's something bugging me but i don't know what. I get the urge to cry very easily...I'm in a daze sometimes.My classmates tell me that i always look very EMO, my senior says i look angry(??) and some say i look moody. For the past 1 or 2 weeks up till now,i have people coming up to me to ask me if i was answer: I'm okay,I think.I still go crazy at times...just that when you leave me alone,i'll go into some kind of "mode" on my own and then transform into EMO ME. ='( What is wrong with me.....
EMO problems aside.Tomorrow's the first lesson for roller blading,i can barely wait.
It's almost like a fantasy now....i think i might go crazy.
It was me and you against the world @ 8:53 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
Ha.I'm able to blog now because of Ryan.A big THANK YOU to him. Yea though he messed it up awhile ago,he fixed it back for me=) A guess he's a friend you can count on.JIAYOU! >,<
What happened today?I can't exactly remember. We've got some visitors from shenyang and they're attached to some of our TK students. Lucky the few of us backed out from the shenyang trip last year...haha.But i think its quite fun to have an overseas friend=)It's a good experience...but my chinese suck so i can't comprehend what our visitors were talking about and neither will i be able to converse with them in chinese.Perhaps next time.I simply LOVE playing captain's ball during PE because some people never fail to amuse me each time. =) Nothing interesting after that. Had extra lessons after school...and playing over the speaker at a point of time was some techno music.COOL!! A form of relaxation,i hope they do that often....and for a longer period of time!There's never a good time to say goodbye...
It was me and you against the world @ 9:39 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Stupid new blogger nonsense...keeps wanting me to sign in with a google account.ZZzzZZzz Can't they just stay this way?Grr,whatever.
Today has been a long long day.I got back home like at only 9pm when i left house at 7am in the morning.Family day was okay...the so-called jog-walk became almost like a stroll for all of one bothered to jog except for those few enthusiastic sec ones.Ha,probably when they come to upper secondary or even secondary two,they'll learn how not to bother about running.We walked to the old gmps school and tiffany and i were like recollecting the times we had in that school,where our primary 3/4 classes were etc etc.On the way back...mischievious wynne,rachel and wanyin decided to play with water and made tiffany and i the victims.They toppled over the cup of water we were drinking(to prevent us from splashing water back at them i suppose) and next,they started splashing water at us with their cups.Scheming smart people=(In the end,they were made victims by us too.A tit for a tat.Back at school....the relay was quite exciting .Everyone cheering for their CCAs =) Oh, i supposedly dedicated a song to 2B'06 and of cause all my buddies...but they didn't play it!ZzzzZZzz And they read many of my friends' names wrongly...yiguan almost killed me when she didn't hear her name in the dedication.Not my fault,in fact i wrote her name infront of all the others.
After family day was done and over with with had "batch lunch"=p.Had to come back for band like in 2 hrs time. Tiffany and I went to pastamania to eat,chatted as we ate.Tiffany was like damn high...reason being???I can't tell =x.
Band practise.I was moody when we were going back but thank god i was fine later on during practise.Had master class...followed by combines in the studio.Yeah...then played and we always do.Band ends and off i went to the airport to fetch my dad together with my mum.
I was damm EMO when i was listening to this instrumental song,i almost broke down and cried.Yeah, lots of memories just kept flowing back to me...while waiting for my dad i just sat down and stoned.It took so long for the plane to land and for my dad to come out.Let's took like 45 minutes in all and we only left the airport at 8pm.Next,we had to buy dinner and well, we had my brother's friends at home.ZzzzZZzz...So we reached home at 9pm and not it close to 11pm. I'm EXTREMELY tired & so...
goodnight people!
I walked down the place feeling so empty within
It was me and you against the world @ 10:16 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Erm,my day was good and bad.
The day started well...with a classmate of mine offering me a sweet. Kinda felt suspicious of it since he kept pressing me to eat it.I asked why and he said he wanted to see my reaction while eating the sweet.Then erfi came telling me the sweet was very nice and had this"popping" effect in the mouth and asked me to try it.RIGHT.So after awhile,i popped the sweet in.!!!!!!!! I felt this burning hot sensation in my much for the sweet popping effect in the mouth.I didn't know what to do,whether to spit it out,to cry or was almost like a sweet coated with wasabi.But being trained from young to take spicy food,i managed to pull through,the sweet kind turned sweet afterwards,just like warheads.Belinda was next to try.Poor thing!The sweet made her tear...and she drank loads and loads of water. >,< Evil people...all in cahoots!Then came something totally unexpected....dang it.
Got to know our geography marks,phew!It was okay...=) & during CE....i got into my first option for "CHOICES"-roller blading!!Oh,woa my whole chunk of reasons i gave were valid=) Well,not only that...i got so many of my good friends who got in together with me!From my class,Fiona,Huiwen,Cheryl and Yingcong.From A-D i've got tiffany,wynne,rachel and yiguan!OMG ....we're ALL going to have lessons cool's that??!It's like a small 2B reunion with all my buddies.=D Initially all of us kinda made this deal to put rollerblading as our first choice...but we didn't expect all of us to get in since space was limited.I'm totally delighted.
Oh,english lessons today was fun for the first time.No, it was not because of the teacher that made lessons fun...i guess this will never ever happen.HA.I swopped places and sat with fiona.Sitting behind me was erfi and infront of me was clement. We had loads of fun drawing fun stuffs....haha.=)For the first time i actually didn't "die" during english lessons so far this year.Normally i couldn't step into english class without going to the toilet to wash my was the only method that i could use to stay alive.=pThe whole afternoon my mood just kept going downhill.I was damn freaking moody and felt very pissed.MOODSWINGS.Sheesh...i so wanted to scream and vent my anger. I just so hate it...why in the world do i even bother at times i wonder.I think i almost reached my boiling point and evaporated into gas.OK that's so lame...but i am sort of using a science application!
I just thought of you and those times....
It was me and you against the world @ 7:53 PM